Rescuers Find A Starving Dog And Then They Realized This Truth About Him!

julia-rescue-1 Hope For Paws  is an organization that cares and works in rescuing stray animals. It regularly rescues stray and homeless dogs found in the streets living the worst conditions in Los Angeles. The staff of Hope For Paws were told and asked for help about a stray dog named Julia who was wandering around the streets of South Central. It was crystal clear that Julia is very sick and in a desperate need for some help! julia-rescue-2 When Eldad Hagar first saw her, he knew she was special.  Her condition didn't differ to those in her situation, but she was a special one because she was thought to be a wolf-hybrid. “Usually we rescue dogs, but this time, I am pretty sure that we rescued a wolf-hybrid!!” Eldad wrote on the Hope For Paws Facebook page. julia-rescue-3 When Eldad and Lisa Chiarelli first saw Julia, she was wandering in the streets and heading to a yard. Eldad wrote on Flickr “As I slowed down in front of the gate, Lisa Chiarelli opened the door and jumped out before I even came to a complete halt, She calmly closed the gate, and the first part of this rescue was over – Julia was secured.” julia-rescue-4 “Julia had an old rope tied to her which indicates to me that someone owned and neglected her to a criminal level, “Lisa offered treats and worked slowly to gain Julia’s trust,” Eldad said. After 20 minutes, Lisa finally was able to place Eldad's lucky leash around Julia's neck. julia-rescue-7 Eldad and Lisa took her into their car and made sure she was feeling comfortable. They were heading to a vet care center to check up on her and to make sure she gets the necessary medical treatment which she needed severely. They took samples to confirm their suspicions.  It turned out that Julia was suffering from Demodectic Mange, the results came out positive. julia-rescue-11 Julia got a warm bath and as the waster was running on her body, she started to bleed! “As Lisa grabbed a towel, Julia just rested her head on Lisa’s arm…this was a stressful experience for Julia, and she was happy it was over,” Eldad explains. With the medical care Julia  needs, she is regaining some of her strength but she spends most of her time sleeping! julia-rescue-17 Today I took Julia and we sat together outside for an hour,” Eldad writes. “We enjoyed each other’s company, we looked at the people who looked at us and probably thought to themselves ‘look at this guy sitting there with a wolf’.” 08-02-2016 01-42-10 م Share this amazing rescue of Julia with your family and friends!