Recognizing These 12 Symptoms Could Save your cat's life

01-11-2015 03-26-00 م There is no doubt that we are responsible for our beloved cats. In addition to giving them our love, a comfortable place to live, and providing them with food and water, it is also our role to take care of their health. Just like any other pet, there are certain symptoms that we can observe in our cats that tell us when they need a medical check. Surprisingly, the most attentive cat owners may mistakenly think that some of the symptoms listed in this article are pretty normal for cats. However theycan be definitive signs that there is something seriously wrong with your cat. I love my kitty so much and that is why I was very interested to search about symptoms that could be signs of problems that threaten it. For me, the homework is done. Now it is your turn to read through and you are welcome to share with usyour thoughts in a comment below.   Symptom #1: Unexplained Weight Loss 0009_Layer-Comp-10-5-600x600 Weight loss is not a sign of any good thing, it could be a cause of a liver disorder or kidney problems. It also could be a symptom of some other more serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disorder, or cancer.As for weight loss, If your cat loses 10 percent of its weight, take it to see a vet right away. Symptom #2: Trouble Breathing 0006_Layer-Comp-7-4-600x600 Cat's breathing should be smooth. Trouble breathing can mean wheezing, rapid breathing at rest, rasping and coarse breathing.Any recognized respiratory abnormality could be a sign of an infectious or a heart disease, so if you noticed that your cat's breathing isn't normal, you should take it to a vet instantly. Symptom #3: Seizures 0005_Layer-Comp-6-4-600x600 Seizures is a definitive sign that you should get your cat checked out by the vet. It could be a result of a wide range of causes including metabolic disorders and neurological disorders such as epilepsy.Accidents and head injuries could also cause seizures which mostly appearseveral weeks later, another serious cause is an acute poisoning. Symptom #4: Distended Belly 0003_Layer-Comp-4-4-600x600 A distended belly is a symptom of serious emergencies, it could be a sign of a hormonal disease, a gastrointestinal obstruction or an internal bleeding.If your cat gets a distended abdomen, don't hesitate to take it for a medical check right away because this symptom, as inhumans is almost a sign of danger particularly if combined with other symptoms. Symptom #5: Fever 0001_Layer-Comp-2-4-600x600 Fever in your cat could be a result of a response to a bacterial or a viral disease. That is why it is almost believed to be a sign that its immune system is fighting an infection. If your cat's body temperature rises over the normal range of 100.5 Fᵒ to 102.5 Fᵒ and the cause is not sitting in a hot car or the exposure to a hot weather, visiting your vet is highly recommended.  Symptom #6: Coughing 0000_Layer-Comp-1-6-600x600 Coughing is often related to asthma which can cause severe chronic lung disease or death if proper treatment is delayed. Coughing also can be a result of a heart failure, lung tumors, pneumonia, or an obstruction in the airway.Cats don't normally cough, If your cat does, take it to the vet to be checked. After a right diagnosis, the vet will help it by using an oral medication or even an emergency inhaler. Symptom #7: Ear Problems 0002_Layer-Comp-3-4-600x600 Ear problems in cats are one of the most difficult to observe. Ear diseases varyfrom ear mites or allergies to bacterial or yeast infections.If your cat scratches its ear in (an) abnormal manner, have a closer look at its ear canal, if you notice redness, an abnormal discharge or a swelling, you better take it to the vet immediately. Symptom #8: Trouble Urinating 0011_Layer-Comp-12-5-600x600 Trouble or discomfort urinating must be considered as a serious  emergency. Bloody urine is an obvious symptom that your cat could be dealing with a bacterial infection, kidney stones, or cancer.If you noticed blood in your cat's urine, or found that it hasdelete trouble relieving itself or can't pee at all, no doubt your cat needs to be taken to the doctor right away. Symptom #9: Exhaustion EXHAUSTION-600x600 Unexplained aloofness and chronic exhaustion could be symptoms of life-threatening diseases such as kidney diseases, urinary obstruction, pancreatitis, or cancer.If you noticed that your cat rather sleeps than playas it used to do, you better get it professional medical attention. Symptom #10: Red Eyes 0004_Layer-Comp-5-4-600x600 Although eye redness is not a symptom of life-threatening disease, the delay of diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases could result in the loss of vision.Conjunctivitis is always a result of infectious cause such as uveitis, keratitis, or glaucoma. If your cat's eyes are irritated, redder than usual and painful to touch, take it for a medical check right away. Symptom #11: Changes in Appetite 0007_Layer-Comp-8-4-600x600 The term anorexia refers to the incapability of eating, and loss of appetite is the initial common indication of almost all illnesses.Regardless the cause, serious impacts on your cat's health could occur if appetite loss lasts 24 hours or more. Observing anorexia is the early catch of an illness of your cat, and it is always better to take it for a medical check early. Symptom #12: Vomiting 0010_Layer-Comp-11-4-600x600 If your cat vomits more than once a month, this could be an indicator of an inflammatory bowel disease or a kidney failure.You should definitely take it for a medical check if you notice blood in your cat's vomit. Blood in vomit could be a sign of an internal bleeding, severe ulcers, clotting, or stomach tumors. Knowing the previous symptoms is a crucial to monitor your cat's health. There is no doubt that the early catch of a disease is the perfect way to ensure that your cat lives a healthy, and a longer happy life. Please SHARE this vital information to help others keep their beloved cats' health well, the cats will really appreciate it!