Here are The Best Effective Puppy Potty Training Tips for All New Dog Parents

The Puppy Potty Training Tips are coming soon but first,
let me ask you a question,

Why do they call it a litter of puppies?

Because they mess the whole place

If you didn't get that joke, you are one of two people:

The first Is Non-Dog Parents or Normies, which is understandable but slightly makes me wonder why are you even here!!

The second ones are New Dog Parents who are still in that cute cuddly first days of having a puppy!

To the second ones,
Sorry if I did burst your bubble,
You have to know the truth of what you are up against, Though.

Wait till you come home one day from work to find your puppy drawing
A Fecal Jackson Pollack on your carpet and you will know what I mean

Don't worry I will fix what I messed up,


Wait, what!!

Sorry, wrong movie... I got the Tips though!!

With these puppy potty training tips, you are guaranteed to start your life with your fluffy four-legged friend on the right foot.

In this article, we offer you 15 of the best puppy potty training tips, the accumulation of expertise of multiple world-famous dog trainers, collected and gathered to help you take the first step with your pup towards a long, happy life together

So without any further ado let's start, shall we?!

The Ultimate Guide on Puppy Potty Training: Tips. Facts, and FAQ's

Before we dive into the Puppy Potty Training Tips, you should be aware that there are three tried-and-true methods for training your puppy,

  • Crate training
  • Puppy Pads and Paper Training
  • Outdoor potty training

Here is a brief of each method:

Crate Training

Many people new to dogs cringe at the idea of confining their puppies in a crate, but the reluctance to use this tool generally evaporates after a few days of living with a new pet. 

Crates make life easier.

Getting your dog accustomed to a crate is a priceless idea for many reasons, such as vet visits, travel, convalescence, and safety.

Dog In A crate. Puppy Potty Training Tips

Dogs are Den Animals and will seek out a little canine cave for security whether you provide one or not. So you already halfway there whenever you start training your dog to love his crate.

The Idea behind using a crate for house training is that dogs are very clean creatures. They don’t like a urine-soaked rug in their living spaces any more than you do.

Before you begin crate potty training, you need The Right Size Containment. Keep in mind that your pet only needs enough space to stand up, turn around, and lie down.

Any more room will encourage him to relieve himself in one corner and sleep in another. Some crates come with dividers so you can adjust the size as they grow.

Tips on Puppy Potty Training Using Crates

In order to fast track your pup's liking of his new crate, Do the following:

  1. Toss a treat in and allow him to go inside and come back out.
  2. Praise him each time he enters.
  3. Work your way up to your pet spending 10 minutes in his crate and then longer once he is comfortable.
  4. Once your puppy associates his crate as his living space, crate potty training begins.
puppy playing with a rope. puppy potty training tips

Now, Instead of soiling the area where your puppy sleeps and eats, he’ll let you know he needs to go.

Your Pup may show that by whining and scratching. That would be his signal that he has to go and wants out of his little den, Now!.

Delaying this process would be disastrous. As if you let your pup lose control in his crate, he will get the idea that it’s OK to mess up his living space.

Then (and you won't like that) he will think nothing of leaving little packages around where you live, too.

For More Detailed Tips on crate training.

Puppy Pads and Paper Training

In a perfect world, pups would learn to hold it indoors and only eliminate at specific spots outdoors.

 dog sitting on a puppy pad. puppy potty training tips
credit: Petco

Unfortunately, life happens, and that requires a bit of creative thought.

For Example, you may have a job that makes it impossible to get home several times a day, or you happen to live where the winters are brutal with a tiny dog.

If you don’t have a yard or your puppy is in the process of completing his shots, it may be best to begin potty training indoors and then transition your pet to the outdoors

This Puppy pads method gives a dog the option of relieving himself in an approved spot at home. After the dog matures, the owner can then work on having the dog do her business outdoors all the time.

Tips on Puppy Potty Training Using Pads

Determine a confined area to begin house training like the bathroom or the laundry room (ideally somewhere with easy to clean floors in case of accidents!).

Whatever area you pick, Make sure it’s puppy-proofed and remove any harmful products.

Then, cover the floor with pee pads and place your pet’s bed in a corner of the room.

To help you get started with a routine, here are some steps you can follow:

  1. From time to time, Change the pee pads but place a small piece of the soiled pad on top of the clean pad in the area you want your puppy to pee. The odor will remind your puppy that this area is the bathroom.
  2. Make sure to remove the pee pads closest to your pet’s bed once your puppy is peeing in the same area.
  3. Keep on removing the pee pads until you have removed all but one or two sheets.
  4. As long as you have consistent success with your puppy only using one or two pee pads, you can gradually expand the area he has access to.

In the case of accidents, reduce the area.

In case you are planning to transition your puppy to an indoor or patio grass “potty”, Migrate the papers near this spot.

Make sure to get high quality, washable, and waterproof Pee pads for your pup's comfort and your own.

I Myself got the PADSMART™: Washable Fashionable Reusable Pee Pad

The PADSMART™ can be used to protect several types of surfaces from the car seats to the dog crate and travel carriers.

puppy potty training tips

It is exactly what you need to take your pooch anywhere you want without worrying and also protect your house floor from undesired spills and unfortunate incidents.

Outdoors Potty Training

This is Pretty self-explanatory I guess, Just walk your pup outside when he needs to potty, and let him do it

Now it's time for what you really came for,

15 of The Best Puppy Potty training Tips

Introduce Your Puppy to His New Home

When you are new to a place or group, you may be overwhelmed with a mixture of emotions, the same goes with your new puppy. He may be bursting with curiosity, excitement, fear or joy.

Now is the best time to lay out the foundation for a good and pleasant relationship with your puppy.

puppy potty training tips
credit: dog utopia

It is very important to establish the expectations of your puppy and be consistent with them so that your puppy can settle in and learn to trust and respect you and everyone at home

You can achieve that by only showing your puppy the areas where he is allowed to be.

Don't let your pup to roam and explore on his own, especially, if you don't want him to do his business there.

For Example,
Close off the upstairs area and bedrooms and do not allow your puppy to explore there.

Get to Know Your New Roommate

Do your own research into your puppy's particular breed behavior and needs.

Make an effort to know your puppy's breed traits and special needs or any behavior that you should be aware of and look out for.

For Example,
In case you have a tiny little chihuahua, their bladder will be very small and they will need to urinate more frequently; accidents will happen even if they are well trained.

puppy potty training tips

Although most dogs are highly intelligent, they don't think as humans do.

Don't expect them to understand simple command words immediately, They may be simple for you but for them it's a whole new thing. Also, Don't expect them to tell you that they need to pee or poop.

For this reason, you must be willing to understand how they communicate with you and study the clues they give and get from you.

Pay Attention to Your Puppy At All Times

Try to have your puppy where you can watch him at all times. This will allow you to look for early signs that he needs to go and help to prevent accidents.

Some of the signs to look for include whining, circling, sniffing, barking, or any sudden behavior change. As soon as you realize any of these signs, immediately lead the dog outside.

The potty Zone

Set your mind on a certain area outside and take your puppy there every time he needs to go.

Choose the potty zone and stick to it. Also, It's preferable to choose an area that is easy to clean

After several times, your puppy will get used to it on his own as the smell of urine will associate the area as his "bathroom."

Pick an area that is easy to get to quickly. You will be visiting this area frequently during the training process.

puppy potty training tips

Make sure to avoid areas where other dogs go or have recently gone, such as parks, Until your puppy has had his third set of vaccines.

It’s a good idea to discuss this with your veterinarian.

When taking your dog outside, it's a good idea to keep him on a leash so you can teach him to go in a specific location. You can also more easily keep an eye on the dog, so you'll know when he is done

Accidents Will Happen

During the process of potty training your puppy, accidents do and will happen. The important thing is to clean them up thoroughly.

As we mentioned before Dogs are attracted to spots that they’ve used previously, and remember that their sense of smell is way better than ours.

It's hard to get Pet urine out, and not all household products will effectively remove odors.

If you notice your puppy going in the same spot, chances are some of that smell has been left behind. You can opt for a product that’s formulated for removing pet urine odors and stains.

puppy potty training tips
credit: animals

All this for when he has already done it

What to Do When You Catch Him in The Act?

If you catch your puppy in the act of urinating or defecating indoors, make a sudden noise such as a clap, and say the word "NO" Then, quickly lead the dog to his designated potty zone.

Be careful,

You want to startle but not to scare the dog. The intent here is to get his immediate attention and know that you disapprove marking or pooping indoors.

Be consistent, use the same word and/or noise each time.

You may not get the same result if the dog is defecating because most puppies will not be able to stop this. But, you should still do the same thing as part of the teaching process.

Never Punish Your Puppy for Accidents.
Your puppy does not know he is doing anything wrong.
Do not force your puppy to smell or keep reminding him of his actions.
He will not remember and could possibly become scared of you.

When you use punishment to stop your puppy from going indoors, it can confuse your dog and even make it worse. Your pup could only understand that you get mad when you see him potty and will hide from you when he needs to go, most likely in places that are hard for you to reach.

Teach Him to Potty on Cue

Set a command word for when you want your puppy to go potty.

Whenever you take your puppy outside to the potty zone, use the word "Go" or "Potty" or pick another command.

In his mind, your puppy will recognize the command, associate it with the action, and understand what you want him to do.

credit: master pet

This will help the dog to learn when and where he should be urinating or defecating.

Use that command only when you want him to go to avoid any confusion

Praise your puppy like There is no tomorrow

Whenever your puppy pees or poops outside in his designated potty zone, he needs to be celebrated.

Give them baby talk or a treat, jump up & down, pat their little heads & remind them of how brilliant that decision was.

man praising a dog. puppy potty training tips

Yes, This might look silly, but your pup needs to know he’s done the best thing ever.

With consistent praise, your puppy will start to understand that it’s the correct decision and the one that leads to super fun happy time.

By doing that, Whenever your puppy feels the need to potty, he will think to himself "I should probably go potty outside because that makes everyone happy"

Keep A Schedule

Keeping a schedule of when your puppy is supposed to go potty will make life easier for both of you.

by feeding your puppy at the same times each day, you can now predict and schedule bathroom breaks.

During the initial stages of potty training, It helps to Schedule post-meal walks, as well as hourly trips outside.

puppy potty training tips

Always take your puppy out after crating, even if this was only for a short time, and remember that vigorous play should always be interrupted for potty breaks.

Don't make the mistake of expecting your puppy to hold it for longer than he is physically capable.

The general guideline for puppy “Hold Times” is that each month of age equates to an hour of “Hold Time” so a two-month-old puppy can hold it for roughly two hours.

Your puppy may be able to hold it for a slightly longer period of time at night as he gets older

Also, he will need potty breaks more frequently when he’s playing.

Figure out How Long Your Puppy Can Hold it For

It's a well-known fact that young puppies can’t hold their bowels & bladders for long. If you come home to find that they’ve had an accident in there it’s quite possible that they can’t hold it that long.

dog needs to potty. puppy potty training tips

Generally, As we mentioned earlier, a puppy has the ability to hold his bladder for about one hour per month of age. So if you have a 3-month-old pup, he probably can only hold his bladder for about 3 hours.

So, In case you’re going to be away at work for long periods of time, you should consider getting a neighbor, relative or dog sitter to come over to let your pup out during the day.

Control Your Puppy's Diet

The body of a young puppy is still in development, that's why puppies have immature digestive systems, so they can’t really handle a lot of food.

That’s why it is recommended that you break up the feedings into three small meals.

Another thing to be aware of is the food itself, which should be the highest quality.

puppy potty training tips
credit: Thumbtack

I know it's gross but examining your pup's stool is the best way for an owner to figure out whether it’s time for a change in diet.

If your puppy's stools are bulky, loose, and stinky, it may be time to talk to your vet about switching to a new food.

Also, Overfeeding may cause a case of diarrhea, which will only make the task of house-training that much more difficult.

Schedule Trips Outside Around Meal Times

Keeping a regular feeding schedule goes hand in hand with a regular potty schedule. Right after eating, Puppies usually need to go immediately.

Taking your pup out after every meal will help to reinforce the idea of where they are supposed to go while minimizing the mess.

woman holding her puppy. puppy potty training tips

Learn the Signs of Needing to Go

Your new puppy might not speak the same language, but he's trying to tell you that he needs to eliminate.

Luckily there are certain signs for which you can keep a lookout. Whenever you spot any of the following signs Immediately bring your dog outside to his special potty spot

  • Smelling his rear
  • Pacing in circles
  • Barking or scratching at the door
  • Sniffing the floor
  • Squatting.

He may show the last sign a bit too late, but be ready to open the door anyways so he will know that his usual area is up for grabs before he goes in the wrong place.

credit: positively

You have to quickly bring your dog outside when you see any of these signs, so plan ahead.

It would help to keep a leash right at the door, allowing you to usher him outside as quickly as possible. And once he learns where his special potty area is, he'll return to it all on his own.

Just don't forget to choose the same spot every time your dog needs to relieve himself.

The Water Bowl

If your dog is a heavy water-drinker, chances are he'll be a frequent urinator as well.

To avoid any accidents, take your puppy out shortly after drinking during the puppy potty training phase so he's in the right place at the right time.

Attention to Larger Issues

Finally, if your training doesn't seem to be taking with your pooch it might be worth a trip to the veterinarian.

Frequent urinating or defecating in the house can be
a sign of a larger health issue.

sad ill dog

If there is something you suspect, contact your vet's office immediately and let him know about your concern.

They might simply recommend a simple change to your training routine or a change to his food, but for larger issues, you'll be glad you called sooner rather than later.

Now after you got all the tips you need, you are set to success in your puppy potty training, It's time for FAQ's that most recent dog parents are struggling with:

Puppy Potty Training FAQ's

How Long Should It Take Me to Potty Train My Dog?

It depends,

There is no certain age or time, it depends on the individual puppy and the amount of time each owner is willing to teach him

4 to 6 months is the optimum period in which most puppies can be potty trained

If you have a puppy, prepare to spend the next three years training your puppy for at least 20 minutes per day.

the best way to potty train a dog

By the time he is a full-grown dog, all the effort you put into training will pay off and you’ll have a well-adjusted companion and a new best friend.

Generally, most owners are setting their expectations too high.

So for an ideal answer let's make sure you are doing it right!! shall we?

What are The Tools Needed for My Puppy Potty Training?

First, preparation is the key to do potty training right. So let's discuss all the equipment you gonna need to be perfectly prepared for this chore

The best way to potty train a dog

Tools Needed for Potty Training

You’ll need the following items as you begin potty training your dog:

  • A properly-sized crate: a crate is essential to keep your puppy safe when you can’t watch him. This will also help him learn to hold it because of his desire to keep his den clean.
  • A leash: you may have a fenced-in yard, However, you need to take your puppy out on a leash so that he isn’t tempted to play instead of potty. A leash will help you be close enough to your puppy to reward him immediately after elimination.
    I personally use this Reflective Hands-Free Dog Leash to Enjoy All Outdoor Activities with my Dog!
  • the best way to potty train a dog
  • Treats: This is to reward your pup for going in the proper spot.
    For a more fun way with treating your dog check this Treat Dispenser Ball
  • Baby gate: You need a baby gate to keep your puppy from sneaking away to other parts of the house unsupervised. You can use The Wireless Invisible Dog Containment Fence. It's easy to use to keep your dog safe, set clear boundaries, and no installations required.
  • You can take The Wireless Invisible Dog Containment Fence with you anywhere.
  • Odor and Stain removal cleaners: using the right kind of cleaner will prevent your puppy from seeking out spots that he’s already soiled.

That's it,

That was our Puppy Potty Training Tips. Use these tips wisely and carefully and Remember, puppies are fragile creatures and love is the most important ingredient of this equation, So for this to work make sure he feels your love

Puppy Potty Training may seem like a frightful task at first but with these tips and patience, it will get easier each time.

So what's the cutest experience you had while potty training your fluffy buddy, tell us in the comments.

I hope this has helped you and answered all your questions.

If you enjoyed it, share it with a friend. She may have the same questions in mind

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Whatever you think, comment below and let me know!

If you liked what you read here and want to read more check out my other articles like 8 Fun Dog Training Games to Play with Your Pup or 10 Tips to Calm a Dog During Fireworks

If you got any other questions or further puppy potty training tips that I might have missed, Feel free to tell us in the comment section. We are all here to learn for the sake of our fluffy friends.

Have a nice day and Read you next time