Pregnant Stray Dog Disappears Into The Woods But 3 Days Later...!

27-01-2016 12-25-29 م Animal Control had been trying to capture a pregnant stray dog named Bonnie for months. Independent Animal Rescue cooperated with the community to hang signs and flyers. Bonnie had food left for her outside in every possible place she could pass by over the busy highways! Amazingly, a local carpenter named Ryan revealed that he had made friendship with Bonnie but he couldn't get close enough to capture her! 27-01-2016 12-25-47 م Volunteers set up a comfy bed and a feeding station outside Ryan's carpentry shop and just waited for her but she disappeared! Bonnie disappeared from her usual hiding place and there was huge concern about her and her new born puppies. Three days later, the volunteers were searching the woods to find her where they heard the sound of a barking dog. Ryan dug through the underbrush and he discovered Bonnie's new born puppies. She had delivered them and like any other loving mother she was doing the best she could to care for her little puppies. Ryan found Bonnie and carried her in his arms and took her to his carpentry shop while another volunteer carried her puppies and followed Ryan to his carpentry shop. 27-01-2016 12-26-19 م IAR asked Ryan to take care of Bonnie and her sweet new born puppies and keep them in his carpentry shop until they could find them a forester home. 27-01-2016 12-26-35 م Ryan didn't accept to do that and didn't accept to have her temporarily and instead of that he adopted her  and her little new born puppies! A Miracle for Bonnie from Valerie Clack on Vimeo. Share Bonnie's story with your family and friends and spread this inspirational story of a loving mother dog and a good man who offered her love and warmth in his own house!