Police Officers Stop the Traffic on the Bay Bridge to Chase a Frightened Puppy!

When a biker cop was on patrol alongside a squad car in San Francisco, he spotted a small mysterious thing scurrying by the roadside. As the police officers began to get closer to this black object, it scurried away very fast. Unexpectedly, the cops had to go on a high-speed chase across the Bay Bridge. Scroll down to find out how this chase ended! Petsfans 0075 - 1 As soon as the cops were able to get close enough to the running little animal, they found that it was a little Chihuahua that was obviously frightened. While the circumstances were unknown, and they could not find who left the tiny puppy behind, it is pleasing to announce that this little cute Chihuahua is safe now. Although he tried to run away as fast as his legs could move, the police officers were able to catch him at the end. During this sudden chase, the cops made sure to slow down the traffic to ensure the safety of the little scared puppy. Thankfully, a good idea came to the mind of the biker cop, that he would scare the little puppy away from the side of the bridge until they could catch him. Petsfans 0075 - 2 Now, the police cops are taking care of the little puppy who gave them a real run for their money. In the mean time, the officers are trying to find this little guy's owner, hoping that losing him was just an accident and not another cruel abandonment. “High-speed pursuit on the Bay Bridge this morning! One in custody. All are safe!” The San Francisco Police department posted on Facebook. Petsfans 0075 - 3 Image Credit: Facebook / CHP - San Francisco Although this little guy persistence deserves respect, he is too small to work as a k9 police dog, unfortunately. However, as a pet owner, I feel grateful for these cops bringing the little scared puppy to a much safer place where they can take care of him until they find his owner. Thank goodness for the biker cop who was able to track him down the bridge and managed to catch him. If you are grateful this puppy is safe, please SHARE this little high-speed chase video with all your friends and family on Facebook!   Via Little Things