Truly, dogs are some of the most beautifully remarkable creatures in the world. Their love capacity has no end and is always inspiring. In return, these canine friends deserve our so much love and affection.

Unfortunately, we do not always show dogs the love and respect that they deserve. Tragically, some people lose interest in their dogs after a while, they abandon them, leaving them to live as strays, or, in better circumstances, give their dogs' to shelters where they stay waiting for their human friends to come back for them while they would never do.

Uncomprehendingly, in more upsetting cases, some humans intend to hurt dogs, although it is hard to understand why these people would want to do such terrible thing,it still does happen.
In Louisiana, a dog's fate was almost sealed; he was suffering a dangerous wound in his head due to a gunshot! The wounded dog was so close to death. Fortunately, Villalobos Rescue has saved the life of the sweet pit bull, Curtis as later named.

After the rescue team has picked Curtis up, he had an immediate medical attention. Luckily, the team was able to help the pup pull through, and now the sweet Curtis is thriving! Curtis's heart is not only unbreakable; it is charming; he just adores his doctors and caretakers!
Warning: this video contains graphic images that may disturb some viewers.
If you are thrilled to see this sweet pup thriving despite everything, please
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