People Give a Miraculous Gift to an Old Veteran Who Lost His Dog!

This year in September, an elderly veteran from Delaware suffered a heart attack. The sick man had to stay in a hospital to get the help that is necessary for his condition, that is why he could not be able to take care of his two dogs that he adores, Blaze and Bailey. The First State Animal Center and SPCA shelter volunteered to take care Blaze and Bailey until their owner can get out of the hospital back on his feet. As many weeks went by while the dogs' dad was still too ill to take care of them, the adorable pooches were eventually put up for adoption. However, there was another plan for the dogs other than being adopted. When their owner finally released from the hospital, his dogs Blaze and Bailey were still there in the shelter. The dogs' dad breathed a heavy sigh of relief. The man went to the shelter to get his dogs back, but he discovered there that he has to pay adoption fees of 250$ to be able to take them. Desperately, he left that day, but with hope again, he came back next day while he was still thinking of how he can collect the required money. The old veteran did not know that a huge surprise awaiting him, and now the footage keeps going viral. Watch the video below to know what has happened next… Petsfans 0208 - 1 The old veteran has been surprised by what a woman inside the shelter did for him; she was so touched to see him meeting his dogs for the first time after a very long period. She and other volunteers used their own money to bring his dogs' food, toys, and, incredibly, pay for the adoption fees for both dogs. The veteran was astonishingly speechless. The old veteran does not only have his beloved pooches back, but he also gained so much faith in humanity. Kindness continued pouring in; strange people from everywhere kept sending him food and gas cards. Please be sure to Share this heart-touching story! Via Paw My Gosh