Passerby Rescues 9 Little Puppies Who Were Dumped Just Like Garbage!

Normally, people throw away things that they no longer want. It is expectable to find inanimate objects in the trash, as discarded banana peels, containers, or old newspapers. However, you will never expect to find something alive in there, like an unwanted pet! Unfortunately, many people discard their unwanted pets just as if they are junk. These cruel people treat their pets like actual garbage. In San Rafael, CA, a man was shocked by discovering something odd when he was passing by a dumpster. As he told the Marin Humane Society, he found a crate full of nine little puppies! Scroll down to find out more details about this shocking story! According to the Marin Humane Society, the four females and five males were either Rottweilers or Labs, and they seemed to be only nine-weeks-old. Marin Humane Society stated on their Facebook page, “It is heartbreaking to think of someone dumping these adorable puppies like so much trash. But we know they will soon find good homes!” Fortunately, all the nine adorable puppies were not underweight and were in good health. Obviously, someone was taking good care of them before they were dumped. Petsfans 0034 - 1 Image Credit: Marin Humane Society / Facebook Page Petsfans 0034 - 2 Yet, the reason why these cute puppies were abandoned is unknown!   Petsfans 0034 - 3 Image Credit: Marin Humane Society / Facebook Page Petsfans 0034 - 4 The staff at Marin Humane Society believed that whoever "trashed" these little adorable puppies wanted them to be found. Petsfans 0034 - 5 Image Credit: Marin Humane Society / Facebook Page Petsfans 0034 - 6 Lisa Bloch of Marin Humane Society told CBS San Francisco, “Nine puppies is a lot for anyone to deal with. It is a big litter. So perhaps the person just became overwhelmed.” This story is a precise clue why it is important to spay and neuter pets. While we cannot control what our pets do, we can spay and neuter them in order to control the population of unwanted strays. Petsfans 0034 - 7Image Credit: Marin Humane Society / Facebook Page If you think it is important to spread a message about the responsibility of pet ownership, please SHARE this story with all your friends and family on Facebook! Via Little Things