An Orca Found Dead With Stomach Full Of Trash!

12341041_936922866376421_3049381501993923395_n Yogurt containers, junk food wrappers, and a part of an old shoe were few things that scientists found inside an orca who showed up dead on a South African shore earlier this month. The objects found in the female orca's body certainly didn't belong there. This was evidence that her last days were spent searching for food near the shore.  Unfortunately, pollution overwhelmed the sea and ended up killing the poor creature. 12391210_936922936376414_8930801346819219671_n "Killer whales off South Africa typically only feed on mammals (seals, dolphins) or large fish and squid," Dr. Gwenith Penry explained.  He has been studying marine mammals for more than a decade and coordinates the Platt Stranding Network to help animals in need.   The body of the orca was taken to a trash dump for dissection. Dr. Penry has posted some photos of what she found in the orca's stomach!! "It is likely that this individual became ill and too weak to hunt with the rest of her pod so moved inshore and tried to feed on what was available and easy to find," Dr. Penry wrote on a Facebook page. The last year, scientists reported that the Earth's species are suffering a sixth mass extinction caused by "Humans" and their negative impact on the whole Earth's environment. Some people insist on turning a blind eye to the serious environmental problems that are caused by humans themselves, while other people are doing their best to assist. This is a warning sign to the serious environmental problems that we all face and suffer from. Share this story with your friends and family to raise awareness!