Opossum carrying 6 babies in her pouch clings to their rescuers
Judy Obregon is a founder of The Abandoned Ones "Saving Animals in Danger" dog rescue in Fort Worth, Texas. This kindhearted woman has helped saving so many desperate dogs from terrible conditions, and she is undoubtedly experienced with rescuing animals. While Judy was out driving last week, she had the chance to find a different kind of animals in a bad need for help!
Judy spotted an opossum lying on the road, whom she assumed to be dead at first. But she observed that the animal barely lifted her head. Judy would never leave this helpless animal behind and just drive away, and she knew that she has to do something.
According to what Judy wrote in a post on her Facebook, she had to react immediately, so she stepped out of her car and went towards the lying opossum to check her. What she figured out has actually surprised her, as the female opossum is pregnant!
Unluckily for the poor animal, she had met with someone unbelievably cruel who hit her on her head with a rock!
Judy wrapped the opossum in a t-shirt and carried her out of the road right away, and then she called for help. While she was waiting keeping an eye on the opossum, she brought a box and put the animal carefully into it. Watch this moment in the amazing rescue video below!
Soon later, Tabatha arrived, a local wildlife rehabilitator who was in a nearby area. She confirmed that the opossum was having joeys in her pouch, and she also noticed that the hit on her head cannot be a result of a car-hit accident. Someone struck this poor animal with what looks like a BB gun pellet. This cruel person injured her eye and caused her to lose some teeth. Who could do such thing to an opossum!
"It was so cruel what had been done to this poor animal. Watching an animal suffering is always one of the most things that I can't handle" Judy wrote on her Facebook about the opossum whom she named Angel!
To be sure of that Angel had no infections, she was put on antibiotics. Shortly after her rescue, it truly relieved her rescuers to see her drinking water and eating. As Judy updated later on her Facebook, "Angel has 6 babies in her pouch who will remain there as long as their mom has that stunning surviving will."
While it is really heartbreaking to imagine the cruel time that opossum had to go through, she was so lucky that Judy found her in time. In order to help Angel healing from her injuries, she is under vet observance in a quiet and safe place.
Recently, Judy added to her Facebook that, "While rescuing opossums is not my typical work, they are still living souls who are so far from harming anyone. Yet, Angel struggles to survive and to deliver her babies to the same world where she had been hit hard on her head! Thankfully, they will be delivered in a safe shelter"
If you believe any animal deserves living in a safer world, please SHARE this rescue story with your friends!
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