One of a Kind Giraffe Is Found in Tanzania

It was surprising for me when I knew that this adorable giraffe photo is not photoshopped! The photo is genuine and the baby giraffe is real! I know that the skin of this giraffe just looks as if it was bleached, but a rare condition is responsible for her amazing look. This 15 months old giraffe suffers from partial loss of pigmentation which resulted from leucism. Petsfans 0197 - 1 This rare giraffe has been spotted by Dr. Derek Lee in Tarangire National Park in Tanzania. Dr.Petsfans 0197 - 5Derek is a scientist and he is also the founder of Wild Nature Institute. According to him, Omo, as the giraffe later named, has been seen with a large group of normally colored giraffes. “The giraffe group did not seem to mind Omo’s different coloring,” said Dr. Derek. Petsfans 0197 - 2 Dr. Derek and his crew are working on wildlife conservation focusing on anti-poaching and giraffe conservation. They are helping in giving better chances of survival to Omo and her relative giraffes. “We hope that Omo will live long until she can have her own calves someday” Dr. Derek added.   Petsfans 0197 - 3 “Omo is the only white giraffe we spotted in Tarangire National Park,” said Dr. Derek. “Omo just gets along with her relatives; they do not look interested in her white color,” he added.   Petsfans 0197 - 4 As giraffes are regularly poached, Omo’s coloration could make her a target. Dr. Derek and his partners help to increase the survival chances of Omo and her relatives by their work on anti-poaching and giraffes conservation” Dr. Derek and his crew hope that Omo will survive and live a long life until the day she will have her own calves. Petsfans 0197 - 4

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  Via Bored Panda