Newlyweds honeymoon vacation turns into an INCREDIBLE rescue mission!

When people go on a vacation, the focus is on the fun most of the time. Moreover, if the vacation is to celebrate a special occasion, there is no way to give up the itinerary. However, things go in a different way with "animal lovers", even if they are in a vacation for a lifetime event, like the honeymoon! The plan of the newlyweds Nicole Marchment and Darren Budini was to have a marvelous honeymoon vacation in Thailand. Nevertheless, when they were just in the beginning, they met a dog who changed their entire plan! Scroll down to know how this couple's vacation turned unbelievable! When Nicole and Darren were enjoying an amazing time in Koh Chang Island, they had the chance to know an impressive woman named Duen, who is a poor local woman with an amazingly kind heart. Every day after her working hours, Duen helps homeless animals feeding them. When the animals loving couple got the chance, they wanted to share Duen in her noble volunteer work. They brought food and accompanied the local woman so they can meet some if homeless animals. That was when a pup, later named Ozzie, approached them limping! What Duen informed the couple about Ozzie was sadly shocking. This homeless pup had been hit by a scooter just one week before he met Nicole and Darren. Unluckily, nobody had given that poor little pup the proper medical care he needed, and since that accident, Ozzie had been left with a severely injured leg! Petsfans 0027 - 2 Source: GoFundMe   In addition to his unhealed injuries, Ozzie had some other serious health issues. He was suffering from mange, stomach distension, and his temperature was high. This little pup was too much scared, vomiting and urinating in fear! Petsfans 0027 - 3 Source: GoFundMe   Unexpected from a newly married couple, they brought the dog to their accommodation! They looked for a vet in the area, gave Ozzie a bath, and removed most of his ticks. Moreover, in order to splinter Ozzie's leg, they ate 4 Magnums to use the sticks as medical splints. This couple is truly creative! After a good search for a medical help, it turned out that there is only one vet clinic in the island, where are no any helpful types of equipment for Ozzie's condition. There were neither X-ray or blood tests machines nor any surgery tools! However, the vet checked on Ozzie, and she suspected that he was suffering from nerve damage. Unfortunately, she could do nothing to help the injured pup but this insufficient diagnosis! Petsfans 0027 - 4 Source: GoFundMe   Sadly, the couple took the suffering pup back to their room, where he accompanied them for more 3 days. In order to lower his temperature, they have trained Ozzie to swim. While the poor pup could use three legs only and was afraid of water, he proved that he is a real fighter and learned to swim! Petsfans 0027 - 7 Source: GoFundMe   During Ozzie stay with the couple, he had the chance to experience some amazing things he never knew about! He felt a real bed for the very first time, played with doggie toys, and even had a collar with his name on it! In order to treat the little pup, the couple did a lot of online researching. When they sought for help on Facebook, it turned out that for saving Ozzie's life, they have to go to Pattaya to find a surgeon. That was a 6 hours trip, which means taking the toughest decision for a newlywed couple, canceling their honeymoon plan! Petsfans 0027 - 1 Source: GoFundMe   Eventually, the couple made it with Ozzie to Pattaya, where they easily found a surgeon. The vet immediately started his work on the pup's broken leg. To hold the broken bone properly and to avoid any further damage, a metal rod was inserted into the broken leg. But unluckily for the Ozzie, they had found that his broken bone was already infected! Nicole and Darren knew there was no chance for Ozzie to find a home in Thailand with his special needs. So they began thinking about his chances out of the country! The most exciting part of the story is yet to reveal! Petsfans 0027 - 5 Source: GoFundMe   At that time, it was impossible to bring Ozzie to the couple's home country because of the strict laws about animals' entry there, but still, the couple did not give up! They were able to find a US citizen named Geoff Masanet, who made countless calls and used a lot of flyer points to help them sending Ozzie to the US! Source: GoFundMe   In fact, Ozzie was so lucky meeting with that amazingly kindhearted couple who definitely changed his life. He finally made it to the US! The weather was snowy when he got there, which is very unusual for a dog used to live in a tropical country, but it was not a problem for Ozzie to adjust with that quickly! However, Ozzie's fight was not over yet! Petsfans 0027 - 6 Source: GoFundMe   Unfortunately, Ozzie's mange had developed severely when he was in Thailand, so he has to continue his brave fight in the US. Moreover, Ozzie's vet had to treat his bacterial-infected bone. Medicated shampoos were used to treat his mange, and sulfa antibiotics for the bacterial infection to his bone. Before Ozzie can fly to Australia to join his angels Nicole and Darren, he has to be under a quarantine period of 180 days in the USA. That is why he is now with Debbie Chase and her family in Wisconsin, who are fostering Ozzie until the mandatory period ends.   Besides the huge sacrifices that Nicole and Darren made to save Ozzie, you can probably figure out how significant the bills became! The couple even had to postpone their home payments to rescue him! The couple has created GoFundMe page to collect donations for Ozzie. So far, $13,000 has been collected. Still, ongoing health issues of Ozzie require more fund. Petsfans 0027 - 8 Source: GoFundMe   You can read updates about Ozzie's incredible story, as well as help him with donations through GoFundMe. Your SHARE is as crucial as donations to save Ozzie, help to deliver his story to as many people as possible! Via Bark Post