Neighbors Spotted A Freezing Dog And They Knew What To Do Exactly

13-03-2016 01-43-28 م Someone left a dog on the balcony of a Toronto high-rise in sub-zero temperatures on Wednesday. Luckily, in a neighborhood as overcrowded with condos as Liberty Village, this incident wouldn't go unnoticed. Neighbors spotted the poor dog scratching and clawing at the 16th floor balcony door, trying his best to get inside. His howls boomed throughout the whole neighborhood. 13-03-2016 01-44-58 م The dog's owner had obviously left the building and forgotten about his dog. For everyone else, it looked like they had a front-row seat watching the poor dog's agony and suffering. Then something amazing had happened! Someone posted this photo to the neighborhood's Facebook page. Meanwhile, the dog had been outside at the balcony for 45 minutes. But hundreds of comments and interactions would flow. 13-03-2016 01-45-24 م The first wave was, predictably, a resounding WTF. After the anger, came calls for action. But neighbors were determined, asking help from the humane society, animal control, police and even the building's doorkeeper.. This dog, whose name isn't even known, brought out the best in these people. He has his happy ending after the nightmare he has lived. A police officer was flagged down outside the building, he tried till he brought the dog inside. Yet, it is not the happiest ending, because the dog's owner may still think it is acceptable to leave dogs on 16th floor balcony in chilling conditions. 13-03-2016 01-45-39 م "I will bring forward a potential template for pet owners that stipulates if there is reasonable belief that their pet is in immediate and life threatening danger because of getting outside that the condominium corporation has the right to enter the unit and bring the animal inside," he wrote on Facebook. As for the unfortunate dog left out on the balcony? Share this story with your family and friends, make alert so no animals will be left out in the cold again!