Neglected Sheep Finally Finds The Love He Needed To Survive!
Wandering in a field in Victoria, Australiaa sheep was found exhausted, covered with maggots and completely alone. It is not known how he reached the field. But luckily, it was near an animal sanctuary.
Last week Pete Crosbie of Willowite Animal Sanctuary, wrote:
"Meet Horace, he is another example of how bad luck and good luck are simply two sides of the same coin."Horace, like all Merino sheep has been bred to produce huge amounts of high quality wool. These animals can be badly hurt when they are neglected!
In this story, a little neglect led to infection, maggots and as a result sever pain for the poor sheep! Unfortunately wool farmers only use the sheep for their wool, and the health of the sheep is secondary to them.
Crosbie took Horace into the sanctuary and the staff sheared the sheep's wool right away. They had to carefully shear it, as it's a very long and painful process. Crosbie wrote on his Facebook page:
"He lay quietly while we sheared him, treated the maggots and administered antibiotics, vitamins and amino acids via injection, though quite anemic and weak we are very hopeful this beautiful boy will make a full recovery."Horace, found a new friend in the sanctuary, Ruben the rooster.Crosbie also explained on January 28,
"Horace is up and about, eating and pooweeing, anyone who cares for sick animals knows how good it feels to say that." This was posted only a few days after the rescue.
Share the story of Horace's rescue with your family and friends!