More Than 30 Stray Cats Were Poisoned And Killed In An Egyptian Sports Club!

12274556_10153775511649740_1873160270858636795_n Another horrible accident occurring this time in Egypt. More than 30 stray cats were found killed yesterday at one of the Egyptian sport clubs.  The cats were poisoned and died instantly. The Animal activists in Egypt were shocked, trying to find a way to prosecute the organizers of this mass killing of stray animals. 11218064_10153775511659740_1796244783247277897_n It all started when the workers of the club noticed a large number of stray cats gathering and finding homes on the premises.  The workers literally survived them poison on left over food.  Stray cats and dogs lead a very harsh and unfortunate life in Egypt.  They certainly don't deserve an end like this. 12208277_10153775511709740_6746300674540421949_n The club's managers decided to take their life with a simple command.  After receiving many complaints from clients, who expressed their aggravation with the amount of stray cats on the premise;  He decided to serve the poisoned food and distribute it around the club.  The cats died few hours later. 12278680_10153775511764740_8845070416285220403_n The next morning, the bodies of the cats were found all over the club, the photos were shocking; more than 30 cats were killed. Animal activists went to the place, in attempt to find the mastermind behind the idea.  The investigations are still in process.  They are determined justice to be served, and someone must pay for this horrible act. 11988399_10153775511879740_2659519844855868494_n Egypt is in a desperate need of improvement when it comes to helping helpless animals. In Egypt, not only adults abuse stray cats and dogs, but youngsters who play in the streets too. Animal abuse is awfully cruel. There are no practiced laws against abusers. Only a small number of people try to make a difference. But it is not in ratio with the amount of abuse that goes on. It's absolutely shocking; don't forget to share this story with your friends, NOW.