Mom thought that he missed their daughter's dance, but the truth was unexpected!
Family is a precious thing; a person is incomplete without family around him! It's not an easy thing to build a strong family; it's a struggle and a responsibility, building a strong family that is based on love and kindness, it's also very hard to make a balance between work, school, family activities and also the time that the family members should stay together. At the past it was a lot easier, but now it's very hard to have a family time and leave all the phone screens aside. Nowadays we find it very hard to let the kids and the parents meet at a certain point, but actually what this father did for his daughter and his family is something amazing!
Quaker Canada decided to help families in their new amazing campaign. The video started with a conversation between the daughter and her father, this sweet girl is an amazing dancer, Lauren is a 10 years old girl who has a passion which is all about dancing, and when they asked her if there was some extra time to spend, what would she do with her dad, and she said she would spend it dancingwith her dad!
As she wished, they planned to make a dance together, but well, mom don't know anything about it, so she came on the recital day searching for the father who she thought he is late for his girl's show. The show had started with the father's seat empty! Lauren started to dance and what happened next was something joyful. Her father really did join his daughter in that dance, and yes, maybe his dance moves were not perfect or impressive but his heart is! Look at little Lauren's face, that beautiful smile is priceless, and I am sure that she won't ever forget what her dad did for her.