Unlike Any Polar Bear, Ranger Will Blow Your Mind!
We all love watching polar bears, they are amazing. They have an adorable and funny, and this polar bear is one of those who prove just that. Forget about power rangers, today we are about to meet the "Polar Ranger". The polar bear owns a bucket with a hole in the side, it looks very much like a helmet. Ranger loves to wear it all day, and when the bucket is taken off accidentally, the polar bear wears it again. It is obsessed with it, that it can't take it off. I guess the bear is role playing the famous Power Rangers! Is Ranger trying to be a power ranger? Does it feel like an American football player? Whatever it is thinking, it is the prettiest polar bear ever. This 3 minutes video will brighten your day.
It's amazing to see the playful side of a polar bear, as its nature is very vicious. Polar bears' future is not looking very promising due to the global climate and global warming which is affecting their natural habitat.
Unfortunately these global changes are caused by humans. The results mean that more polar bears are left starving in the Antarctic. According to the calculations of scientists, the ice will melt over the next 100 years, which means that polar bears’ habitat will no longer exist. It’s heartbreaking; but we are hopeful for a change that can put a stop to this, because polar bears are absolutely adorable.
Isn’t it simply amazing? I definitely love watching and learning about polar bears, and luckily, the internet is full of videos about them. If you enjoyed watching this video, don’t forget to share it with all of your family and friends.