Meet the most evil cat who knocks over its owner's belongings!

video-undefined-258FF4F900000578-407_636x358 Cats are so cute, but sometimes they turn out to be the most irritating creatures ever. As you see in the video, the cat is standing on the table, and while she was making some stretches on her paws, and she knocked the TV remote off the table, later, something grabbed her attention, that was when she saw a little cup and she decided to do the same with it, the cat wants to pull it off the table, but after a few seconds, you will discover how evil this cat is. Her owners cried at her saying "NO, NO, NO". The owner didn't want the cat to pull the glass with her paws, but the cat gave a horrible look to her owner, and without looking to the glass, and while the cat was eyeing its owner, the cat stretched her paws toward the glass and pulled it on the floor! You won't believe how evil that look was. 2590AA6200000578-0-image-a-26_1423654032485 If you have a cat, I am sure that you witnessed something like this before. Of course you noticed that your cat sleeps a lot, and that’s because the hormones of growing are released while sleeping, and about sleeping, cats are sleepy creatures, they sleep about 2/3 of the day, and so if a cat’s age is 9, she is only awake for three years of her entire life. If you own a cat already you will notice that cats love to play on stairs, in boxes, and they are in love with plastic bags, it’s the best thing that cats love to play with. Another weird fact is that cats can make about 100 sounds, but dogs only make 10. Cats have an excellent hearing and smelling sense. 2590AFCC00000578-2949034-image-a-1_1423656568431 Watch this funny video and share it with your family and friends.