Meet Bubba The Cat That Became A High School Student And Has A Proper ID Card!

11137100_1648200502102960_8043137264391937784_n-2-600x450 You think that cats are indoor pets? You are wrong, because what Bubba the orange cat did is something amazing; he is a celebrity cat, all the neighborhood knows how sweet he is. Bubba's home is in San Jose, CA, which is about a few minutesfrom the local school, which is actually his second home, every one there loves him. 11816263_1645036905752653_2093260393676248684_o Bubba was adopted in 2009, his family noticed that most of times he wants to explore the area around, so they allowed him to go out for walks, and they believed that Bubba is not an indoor cat. Bubba loved a particular place, The Local High School, he kept on going there every day, but students were not very welcoming, they didn't like the idea of a cat that is spending the day in their school, but now…things changed, Bubba is the most loved member in the school. Bubba-6-600x450 Bubba now is spending most of his time in the school, visiting classrooms, labs, and wandering the hallways! Now he is the favorite for all the students, he became a very popular cat. It's amazing to see a social cat that is ready to discover new places and make friends with new people, his owners are very lucky to have him. Bubba-4-2-600x472 As his owner said, he is very courageous, he loves people and he loves to discover new places. After the end of the day, Bubba goes back to his home, to rest and take more love. 10338632_1552920988297579_3751852135839145416_o-600x800 Inhonor of the cute Bubba, students started a petition to build a statue for him in the school, but sadly it was refused, but instead of a statue, they decided to honor him in a very different way, they made him a student ID card, how sweet. Bubba-5-600x668 11221496_1640001782922832_2406852665453597680_o-600x331 This cat is beautiful; share these adorable photos with your family and friends.