Man Stops To Check On Dead Deer.. a miracle happens!
A staffer at Hillside Animal Sanctuary in the U.K. was driving along late Tuesday night when he spotted a muntjac deer collapsed on the road. He rushed to check on her and see if he could help. Unfortunately, the poor deer had passed away. Her belly was moving however, in an unusual manner. The poor deer had been heavily pregnant when she was hit by a car, her little baby was fighting to get out of her stomach and was trying to fight its way out.
Fortunately, the staffer had an appropriate tool on him, and was able to cut the little deer out of the mother's stomach. He wrapped the premature fawn and brought her to Hillsdale, where she arrived "struggling to survive" in the words of the rescuer.
They fed her emergency colostrums _ the early milk several mammals feed their young which is crucial and the most important to their survivals _ they hoped and waited for the best.
The following day, she looked like another fawn, a different deer indeed. The photo shows her alert and standing, though she's barely the size of her rescuer's hand.
The rescuer described her saying, "looking much brighter and she is certainly not out of the woods yet but we are hoping that she will make a full recovery".
The little deer has a long way to go, but hopefully she'll get to live on as her mother's last legacy. And though she came to life through a dramatic situation, she literally presents the best example of life from death, she is a miracle! Although she lost her mother, who would be the most loving and caring, she had fallen into good hands; she is safe now.
If you would like to help Hillsdale care for this deer and other thousands of domestic and wild animals, you can donate by visiting their website and click donate. You will help provide a home for thousands of animals.
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