Man Proudly Admires His New Fence Then Something Hilarious Happens

24-03-2016 02-04-21 م This video is about a man who was admiring his hard work.  He built the fence to keep his dog, Stella, safe inside the garden. But what happens next in the video is totally surprising and hilarious! The man stated “I literally had JUST built this fence to keep Stella in the yard and was admiring it….” D’oh! That wasn’t meant to happen! Dogs are playful and active animals who just want to have fun. They find it easy to figure things out and how to do things. The following story shows what most of us, dog owners, have been through with our dogs specially when they fall asleep suddenly. 24-03-2016 02-04-43 م Every dog owner experienced this situation, when you find him surprisingly sleeping in some unexpected places, or in some weird positions. Some owners find that special moment and capture those funny positions and share it with us, check out these funny dog pictures. Dog's curiosity can lead to the most hilarious things ever.  Like in this video when two dogs were having an epic struggle with a treadmill. When treadmills a treadmill is involved, fun and laughter are guaranteed.  Well you already know that dogs can cheat their way out of exercises.  They are not very good at working out on the treadmill but they are the funniest. 24-03-2016 02-05-19 م We thought of this story and felt it is a good one to end with, watch these 20 photos of dogs hiding in their own ways. Dogs are the smartest, but sometimes they are not, these photos are of cute dogs trying to hide, but totally failed. Enjoy watching the video and scrolling down the photos.  Don't forget to share with your family and friends!