Man Becomes Suspicious When His "Quite" Dog Barks Non-stop, Until He Realizes The Reason!

16-02-2016 03-49-26 م It seems that the concept of "pay it forward" is for real! A few months ago, when Drew Smith took the decision to rescue a little dog called Carl from the shelter, where he lived for a while.  He did not imagine that the rescued dog would repay the favor and rescue his life so soon! Carl is a very quiet dog by nature, but when he started barking inside his new forever home, Drew Smith noticed that something was going on and he didn't know what to do! Although Carl stayed restless and worried, Drew didn't take too much noticed and and went to bed. He didn't sleep much, before he was awakened by a frantic Carl just a few hours later. 16-02-2016 03-47-47 م Carl was acting very odd! Carl began licking his owner and barking non-stop.  Moreover, he wouldn't let his owner go back to sleep! Eventually, it turned out that smart Carl had sensed a hidden danger in the walls of the house. It turns out that Carl saved both his life and his owner's too! Watch the video to know the reason why Carl is now being called "Carl The Wonder Pup" by everyone in his apartment building! This story is another reminder why you should go to the nearest shelter in your area!   Dogs are the most loyal animals in the whole universe, they never forget the favor or the good that someone made for him. 16-02-2016 03-48-35 م Firefighter gets a slobbery kiss from dog he rescued from flood water! Luckily, the heartwarming moment when a rescued dog thanked a firefighter who saved the animal and his owner lives from rushing chest-deep Texas waters has been captured on camera. The grateful dog was seen jumping up and licking the McKinney Fire Department firefighter to say” thank you” to him for saving his life. Share with your family and friends!