Mama goat cried when her baby was kidnapped, watch her reaction when she is reunited with him again

10-11-2015 05-36-36 م GusGus, a baby pygmy goat, was stolen from the petting zoo by a thief forcing the poor creature to leave his mother.  Everyone else in the petting zoo was devastated. The poor goat's mother cried for hours and hours. Everyone at the petting zoo felt her grief and was sorry for her. Fair officials believe someone scooped up the 5-pound baby goat and secretly walked out with him. GusGus, who is less than a month old, would probably die without his mother's milk. So it was crucial to find the thief as soon as possible.  The theft received some social media attention; some Twitter users were using the hashtag #FindGusGus. goat Fortunately, a Phoenix resident saw GusGus while he was walking his own dog. The resident took GusGus to a nearby PetSmart where the employees immediately called the Arizona State Fair. Thanks to the Phoenix resident, who was described as a very positive person, the search for GusGus came to a happy ending. “As we walked GusGus up, his mother started going crazy, he started going crazy, just baaing,” Fair Livestock Director Karen Searle told the Arizona Republic. “It was very moving and touching. It is a true miracle.” 10-11-2015 05-38-03 م It was a heart wrenching scene, full of emotions to watch little GusGus reunited with his mom, Custard. We may all sigh in relief now that we know this sad story has ended. GusGus and Custard are now together in the safe hands of the zoo keepers and no one can separate them again. Thankfully, there was an end to this mother's grief. Please, share if you are happy that little GusGus finally reunited with his mother!