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Loyal Dog Refuses To Leave The Place Where Human Passed Away A Year Ago

23-03-2016 05-28-29 م This is another story about how faithful dogs are. The dog who is being called "Siberian Hachiko" has been living on the side of a highway for more than a year. He has been loyally waiting in that place where his owner passed away in a car accident in 2014. The Siberian Hachiko has survived the chilling temperatures and the threat of the road that might put him straight into danger just to keep his committed promise to his friend. The dog has survived thanks to the passion and goodness of animal lovers in a nearby village called Berkut, they leave food and try to offer him a shelter. 23-03-2016 05-30-16 م Animal activist Anastasia Selina said that none of the rescuers can get closer to the dog because he doesn't trust anyone who approach him and he wouldn't allow anyone to approach him in the first place. But rescuers aren't giving up and they are trying their best. "We haven’t been able to get anywhere near the animal, it only seems to want to get to its previous owner and as far as we know they didn’t survive the car accident,” she said. The rescuers are concerned that the dog might run straight into traffic if he becomes scared so they are advising people not to approach him. The Daily Mail reported that a campaign is released to find a good home for the dog and then catch him and take him inside the home. We are hoping they can rescue the dog. 23-03-2016 05-30-01 م Share this faithful dog's story with your family and friends! A dog's loyalty is  a lifetime quality. Dogs unconditionally love and miss their owners when they aren't around. Every single day we see stories that prove us how dogs are loyal and loving. Watch what the dog from Marcos, Juarez did when his owner passed away. OMG! Share with your family and friends!

