Losing a furry companion is always tragic. But this is incredibly PRICELESS!

Screen-Shot-2016-02-01-at-2.10.34-PM It is undoubtedly that saying goodbye to a beloved companion is one of the hardest experiences in life. This is the case, not only with humans, but with our canine friends who are considered as family members. Most of us, dog owners, have so many cherished memories with our furry adorable friends, but when they pass away, they leave an irreplaceable hole in our hearts. Most people who lose their dogs have a strong desire to remember all the love their companions brought into their lives and this is why some people seek to commemorate t their best friends. Despite the tragedy of fate, there can be some good outcomes, there are many ways one can honor their best friend. Scroll down to find the 3 most effective ways to honor a dog who passed away:  

1. Memorize all the happy moments:

Whether the death of a beloved pup is sudden or awaited, it is always tragic. One of the most important things to do after a dog passes away is to think of all the happy moments you shared together. Focusing your mindset on those precious moments is a very good way to keep yourself positive. Make peace with it, and give yourself the time needed to mourn your loss, but keep their memory in the way that you are sure that they deserve.   Display the photos that capture the priceless moments you had together, write down the happy memories you shared, and of course, talk to others about all the love they brought into your life. Screen-Shot-2016-02-01-at-2.11.59-PM-1024x767

2. Allow their legacy to live by planting a tree in their honor

While many people think of getting some permanent ink in the honor of their dog, planting a tree is a great way to keep their legacy alive for many years. Plant a young tree at a spot in your yard, their favorite one maybe, and as the years pass, you will remember all the love you shared with your best friend. The tree will always remind you of your special friend who crossed over, every time you see this living symbol of their legacy growing bigger and stronger. Memorial_Bracelet_V1

3. Get a memorial bracelet that gives hope to 22 shelter dogs in your pup’s name

In order to honor beloved pups that pass away in a manner that makes real positive impact in our communities, iHeartDogs created this fashionable bracelet. It will not only save the memory of the beloved dogs, but it will also help feed 22 shelter pups that are still waiting for the chance to have their forever homes.   If you believe that every missed furry companion deserve honoring, please SHARE this with friends! Via iHeartDogs