Little boy reunites with his lost cat

2020 The bond between pets and their owners is very strong and special. Many owners claim to love and treat their pets like their own children. Austrian researchers said that the relationship between owners and their pets is similar to the deep connection between children and their parents. Children can get attached to pets more than their parents. For them, a pet is a best friend and friendship bonds are very powerful.  The following story is a prime example. The mother, Michelle Humber, and her two young sons gave up hope on finding their beloved lost cat, Phoenix. The 10-year-old orange tabby had disappeared 18 months ago from the family's home in Derbyshire, U.K, leaving 5-year-old Ronnie and his younger brother heartbroken. This month, after they had given up all hope to ever reunite with the orange tabby, the whole family arrived at Cats Protection, a local shelter.  They were looking for a new cat to adopt, which they had picked online while browsing through the shelter's website.  Their choice was to adopt Orlando, but upon arrival, they were told that Orlando was diagnosed with FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) therefore, they couldn't take him home with them. The family moved on, looking at the rest of the cats in shelter, when surprisingly they saw Phoinex, it was a miracle!  They were happily surprised to find their cat. Mrs. Humber told the Derby Telegraph, "It was amazing and the children were so pleased. Ronnie saw him straightaway and was screaming and cheering with excitement," 10-11-2015 12-08-07 ص Ronnie was over the moon, he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the orange tabby, he burst into tears. The family will be able to take Phoenix home this week.  Mrs. Humber said that both her sons couldn't stop talking about having Phoenix back. It was such a happy ending for both kids; to accidentally be reunited with their long lost cat.  We hope Phoenix  never gets lost again.