A Kind Man Who Decides To Buy Turtles From Food Markets Just To Set Them Free!

08-12-2015 06-50-49 م Taken away from where they suppose to be, the ocean, two sea turtles were pulled from the water to be sold as FOOD! The two turtles faced an almost certain death in Papua New Guinea. Their destiny was made, they were to be sold as food just like the other ones before them. It is cruel, I know, but some people don't think that way or let us say they don't think at all! These amazing creatures are made by God to please us, to discover the amazing universe that surrounds us everywhere, to enjoy the secrets of Sea life that never ends. It is unbelievable how some people don't appreciate these lives and just pull them away from the ocean for a ridiculous reason, this is life wasting! What's more pitiful is that we actually find people who encourage such acts and buy these creatures for whatever price and whatever reasons. 12313752_968087299930222_6283310766537463336_n Can you imagine that these precious lives equals less than 40 U.S dollars ?! I know it is a profitable trade, but do they not realize that they are trading with a living soul! They do not give these creatures their lives so they have no right to do whatever they want with them. I'm just disappointed and I wish this will end someday by law. Luckily, there are good people around like this amazing, kind hearted man, Arron Culling, who bought two sea turtles from the food market, for less than 40 U.S dollars, drove 5Km up the road with his co-worker just to set them free again! He bought their freedom for a cheap price! But what he had done was priceless.. I'm amazed to know that this wasn't his first time, he and his co-worker had bought and released about 10 turtles. What I really like about this story, is Arron's determination to do the right thing. Share this AMAZING story with your friends!