Husky With Abusive History Helps A Woman Break Her Abuse Chains!

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence report tells that a woman abused every nine seconds. The other shocking fact is these abuses include pets of the victims. The abusers assault, threaten, and beat women and their pets, how could some people be that cruel! Amanda is another woman who suffered the pain caused of domestic abuse. When she was a teenager, she dipped in an abusive relationship that lasted for several years. Her boyfriend forced her to distance from her friends and family, he used to beat and insult her. Amanda suffered intensive physical abuse and experienced being bloody and bruised; she was a "punching bag", according to her. Three years ago, Amanda wanted to take care for a litter of abandoned husky puppies, that is when she instantly bonded with Kyro. Ske decided to be the human mom for Kyro and took him in as her own. While Amanda was in the mid of her terrifying relationship, Kyro was the only who could draw a smile on her face. Although she remained trapped for long, the husky pup made her feel safe. On a fateful day, the boyfriend got into another violent rage, and cruelly, he put it on the poor puppy, that is the moment when Amanda could not bear anymore…   Petsfans 0084 - 2 Screenshot / KIRO Like many other victims of violence, Amanda Trop did not have the courage to leave her boyfriend who had controlled her for years during an abusive relationship. Petsfans 0084 - 3 Goldilocks and the Wolf Photography Three years ago, Amanda saw an ad on Craigslist for volunteering taking care of abandoned husky puppies, that is when she met Kyro and loved him instantly. He became her safe haven. Petsfans 0084 - 4 Goldilocks and the Wolf Photography One day, the cruel boyfriend took his rage out on Kyro and beaten him for the first time. For Amanda, this was something she could not bear. Therefore, they took off together. Petsfans 0084 - 5 Goldilocks and the Wolf Photography   For Kyro and with him by her side, Amanda got the well to end her abusing relationship for good. They started enjoying the world. While Amanda and Kyro had adventures together across the Pacific Northwest, she revealed a talent and passion for photography. Petsfans 0084 - 6 Goldilocks and the Wolf Photography Amanda's adventures with Kyro became her salvation, as for the star of her amazing work, Kyro, the beautiful 92-pound husky now! Amanda is sure that Kyro has saved her, and she believes that he know she saved him as well. Amanda's message of hope spread through the social media while she keeps her loving followers updated with their adventures. Petsfans 0084 - 7 Goldilocks and the Wolf Photography According to Amanda, it is hard to forget the memories of her painful past, but she hopes to inspire other who are experiencing similar situations. "You will find yourself again; I have found my savior… who knows, you might find yours too!"   Please Share this hopeful inspiring story with friends and family! Via Littlethings