Humans terrify her. But look closely when 1 man touches her head! This is UNBELIEVABLE…

27-03-2016 03-04-33 م Streets are a very terrible place for a dog to live in permanently. There are countless chances of danger that are very hard to be avoided. Every day, a stray dog can be hit by a car, or kicked by an abusive human! Jazmine was once a stray dog who did everything she could to survive. She was doing everything possible to be a good dog, but she never had the chance to prove herself to the world. Although she was all by herself, and had to take everything she needed by force, she was smart enough to stay safe, one step ahead of any threat that could cause her harm. 27-03-2016 02-59-47 م With a minimal chance for her to have a good life, Jazmine was always living in fear from humans who she viewed as cruel creatures. When she got pregnant, things became much harder for her. She was slow because of the babies she carried inside of her, and because of that, she could not run from the terrible danger that, unluckily, came her way one day! Four other stray dogs attacked the helpless pregnant pup and broke her body. Afterwards, someone found her, and without a known reason, he took her to the pound. Jazmine ran out of luck, a few days away from being put to sleep. When Jazmine was put on the euthanizing list, people did not know that they were about to kill her along with her unborn babies! 27-03-2016 03-05-04 م Luckily, Jazmine and her unborn babies have been saved from death at the very last moment when H.O.M.E rescue finally appeared. "Heaven On My Earth Animal Rescue" is a nonprofitable animal rescue organization that works for saving all sorts of stray, abused, and unwanted dogs. Thanks to them, a second chance was given to the poor and desperate dogs like Jazmine. They do not only save them, they also help them find the forever homes they deserve! Watch the incredible rescue video below! Please SHARE this heartwarming video if you believe all dogs deserve to live in a forever home full of love and respect!