Charlie is a Catahoula mix pup who was surrendered by his family at an animal shelter in Denver, Colorado. The abandoned dog was about 35 pounds overweight when he was dropped off.
The pooch was truly out of shape when the shelter received him, the staff there thought that he was suffering from seizures because
he could barely walk. Thanks to the amazing people of
Dumb Friends League rescue, Charlie was able to find a foster home with a kindhearted local family.

At first, Charlie had the chance to stay for a month with Alaina Bupp and her husband, who kept an eye on his possible seizures. During this month, Charlie had the exercise he needed, and pleasingly, he soon did not have another so-called seizure. The best part of this story is when Bupp and her husband decided to keep Charlie with them for the rest of his life!
"There was something about Charlie, we both wanted to keep him. We both decided he was a permanent member of our family," said Bupp.
After spending time with Charlie, the family thought it was time to continue their helpful efforts fostering more dogs in need.

The couple's first opportunity was a tiny Chihuahua who was severely underweight and cold all the time. That’s when Charlie came into the picture offering his help! Sooner, the Chihuahua had the chance to feel the warmth and unconditional love of the plus-size dog.
"Charlie's a big guy and he puts off a lot of heat," Bupp explainedf.
Once Bupp saw the frightened Chihuahua snuggling next to Charlie on the couch, she realized that her huge pooch might have a special gift helping the little nervous pup.
Charlie’s calmness proved contagious when more small fostered pups arrived to the couple's house, all what needed to happen first was to meet Charlie and that rolled the rest of the good things. He was able to offer stability and give off his calm energy.
"I think really the difference is confidence, Charlie makes them feel safe," said Bupp.
It has been three years since Charlie started living with the family. Charlie and this amazing couple have made a great team fostering 13 dogs in need, and the role of the senior pooch was crucial, helping all the terrified and anxious newcomers.

After the world of those pups turned upside down, Charlie gave the little poor creatures the confidence they needed to overcome their fears and become calm once again. Those little pups owe it to Charlie; their
real second chance was given to them by him.
Nowadays, Charlie is helping with fostering another Chihuahua. Bupp described the newcomer as skittish, she said, "He's still skittish around me, but he loves Charlie."
Actually, Charlie did not have to exert too much effort with the new Chihuahua. It was just enough for the frightened little pup to see Charlie sleeping in the bed with Bupp. As soon as he sees him, he feels safe and joins Charlie into bed, immediately. It is Charlie’s silent and calm manner that tells the newcomer that many humans are still good and caring; it seems to be working every single time.

"Once Charlie gets in bed, he comes and gets in bed with us too, I know he wouldn't do that if Charlie wasn't doing that," Bupp explains.
If you like to give a shelter dog like Charlie a chance, you might want to adopt one through
Adopt a Pet.
SHARE Charlie's silent magical tricks with friends if you believe all dogs deserve a forever home full of love and respect!
The Dodo