Huge lion refuses to drop his blanket, and the reason is the most adorable EVER!
While there are so many wonderful people exerting all their efforts to find and rescue as many animals as they could, most of these rescues are targeting abandoned and neglected dogs and cats. However, some other exotic animal friendsmay be in bad need for man's help, too. Unfortunately, those animals can often be left by the wayside.
Vicky Keahey, the founder of the In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center in Texas, is one of the amazing people who are eager to make a real difference for exotic animals in need. Keahey has established this center in 2000 to rescue exotic animals. Since the establishing of the center, Keahey and her fellow rescuers had rescued many neglected, abused, and unwanted exotic felines.
In 2014, In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Centerreceived a call about one amazingly beautiful exotic animal in need, Lambert the lion, whose family did not want. Thanks to Keahey and the wonderful folk at the center, Lambert had a safe place to live.
When rescued, Lambert was only 3 months old. He was a tiny cub, extremely scared, and very much anxious. Fortunately, Keahey had responded to his anxiety with a very helpful idea that made all the difference in the world for this scared little cub. She gave him a simple blanket!
Although Lambert is nowa two-year-old full-grown lion, he still values and holds his precious blanket right by his side.
Scroll down to find out how a kindhearted rescuer – and a simple single blanket – changed everything for this little adorable lion cub.
Back in 2014, Keahey took Lambert in after he was neglected by his family. He was a little 3-month-old cub when she had brought him to the In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center in Texas.
“A private owner had [illegally] purchased Lambert for his 2-year old and 3-year-old children after going to see the movie The Lion King. The little kids told their daddy they wanted a Simba, so he went out and bought one,” Keahey said.
When Lambert's family decided that they no longer wanted him anymore, Keahey and her incredible fellow workers at the rescue center appeared and decided to take him in, to provide him the love and care he needed.
Unluckily, when Lambert was placed in his new closure at the rescue center, he was very anxious. This was normal to expect after he was raised in a regular home. Lambert was not used to the cage or to his new surroundings, and in the mean time; they could not release him because he was not yet ready for the unknowns of the wild after being domesticated.
Fortunately, a great idea came to Keahey's mind. She said, “We had heard from the previous owners that he slept in the bed with the grandfather.”
Keahey was inspired that it would be great for the little cub to have a blanket that would keep him warm.
“I got him a blanket, went into the enclosure and put the blanket in one of the corners. He curled up on that blanket and he went right to sleep,” said Keahey.
Keahey's idea turned out to be so brilliant, as it worked magnificently!
As soon as Lambert felt the warmth, he felt a bit comfortable, and he began to warm up to his new home and the center's staff, too. Lambert was given a fresh and dried blanket to curl up in every night. Now, two years later, all grown up and a fully developed, Lambert still sleeps cuddled in his blanket.
Till this day, Lambert still sleeps with a blanket, just the same way he used to do since he was a little adorable cub. Keahey said that she kept bringing him a blanket every single night for two years since the day he had been brought to the center.
While his blanket played a large role in his sleeping ritual, Lambert learned and played many activities while growing happily in the shelter.
Keahey said that Lambert was very happy putting his feet in plastic supply tubs, and that he enjoyed skating around his enclosure.
Keahey recently revealed, “So one of the volunteers at the rescue built him an actual skateboard. Sure enough, he put both of his feet on it and started skating around on it.”
On March 22nd, Lambert celebrated his birthday. In addition to having his favorite blanket, he also received several garbage cans which he uses as therapy, destroying and squashing helps him release some negative energy. Check out the amazing video below to watch him trashing some cans!
During hot days, and when Lambert is not curlingup in his blanket, destroying trash cans, or skateboarding, he enjoys playing in the water fountain at the rescue shelter. This is his favorite way to stay cool on a hot day!
Luckily, Lambert had the chance to have Keahey aside. Thanks to her and her wonderful team, he had another chance at life. Moreover, he had a home to live in happily, where caring and kindhearted folks surround him.
Although Lambert may look like a typical king of the jungle, he will always be that cute little cub once he curls up in his blanket.
You can visit the website of the In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue to learn more about Lambert.
Watch the heartwarming video below, and let us know, in a comment, what you think of Lambert and his blanket.
If you think that Lambert is one of the most adorable creatures, please SHARE this adorable story with all your friends and family!