How Do You Know Its Time To Say Goodbye To Your Pet?
As pet lovers, saying goodbye to our beloved pets is a challenging and hard ordeal, but what is even harder is living with the thought and wandering if there was something else one should have done.
There is no rule for this hard and painful experience, we don't know when we are suppose to let go of an elderly or ill pet. Your vet can provide advice, sympathy and medical care.
Talk to your vet and ask any question. You want to make sure you know exactly what treatments entail. With the advances in medicine and technology, we are able to treat everything from cancer to chronic pain.
It is not obvious when medical intervention is necessary or appropriate that's why you must talk to your vet about anything you are contemplating.The most important question to ask is:
Will medical intervention improve the quality of my pet’s life or just prolong it? When facing end-of-life issues, your pet needs to come first. Prolonging their life to avoid your grief isn’t doing right by your pet.
If it is the time to let your pet go, you must believe that this is for the best. You letting go will end its suffering and that it is an act of love!
Surround yourself with animal lovers who understand and feel how heartbroken and devastated you are. Cherish the irreplaceable and unforgettable memories of your time shared with your loving pets.
We always hope for the best, but must be prepared for the worst.
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