Here Are The Top Ten Things People Do And Dogs Hate!

For us, dog owners, we like to express our feelings towards our beloved friends in such ways we believe are suitable or acceptable. Surprisingly, most of our behaviors with our dogs annoy them more than they make them feel how much love and compassion we have for them. We selected the top 10 things that we do and our dogs just can't stand:
  1. Hugging
We think it is adorable to hug our dogs from time to time. We enjoy hugging them and expressing our love in our own ways. But what we don't know is that dogs don't enjoy hugs. For dog's perspective, placing your arms around their necks may be seen as a threat. A better alternative attitude is letting the dogs cuddle on their own ways. 13-03-2016 12-33-21 م
  1. Getting in your dog's personal space
Dogs seem to dislike when they find human get in their faces or their personal spaces. Don't put your hand on your dog's face or rush toward it. 13-03-2016 12-34-20 م
  1. Not allowing your dog to sniff and discover
For dogs, going for walks is more than just spending time it is more like a chance to sniff and explore the place around. Don't rush your dog while walking it. Allow your dog to stop and sniff or they would think you are mean. 13-03-2016 12-34-56 م
  1. Lack of rules
You may not know that, but your dog needs rules. Training is the perfect way to provide rules in your best friend's life. Your dog needs to know what is acceptable and what is not! What is allowed and what is banned! and they won't learn this on their own. 13-03-2016 12-35-43 م
  1. Yelling
No one likes to be yelled at and dogs aren't exception of this. Your dog may not understand what your words mean but it will sense your emotions behind these words. Don't forget that fear doesn't mean love and respect. 13-03-2016 12-37-01 م
  1. Dressing them up!
Most dogs don't enjoy wearing outfits or costumes. Don't force your dog to wear such costumes if it is not okay with wearing them. 13-03-2016 12-37-24 م
  1. Strong Fragrances
It is better to avoid directly using sprays or spraying your dog with anything. They hate them! If it is a must for a medical necessity, then don't apply sprays on their faces. 13-03-2016 12-38-12 م
  1. Being Ignored
Dogs are social animals, they like companions. They enjoy being surrounded with their humans. If you leave your dog alone or you ignore it, this bothers your dog more than you can imagine! 13-03-2016 12-38-35 م
  1. Forcing them into uncomfortable situations
Don't force or put your dog into a situation that it doesn't like. Because when you force your dog into such situations, you are keeping it in a state of stress. 13-03-2016 12-39-13 م
  1. Being upset or sad.
Your dog can sense and understand your feelings. Do the best you can to spend time with your dog because it is a good solution for both of you. 13-03-2016 12-40-22 م These are the top 10 things that we do and our dogs just can't stand. Now you know, pass it on! Share this post with your family and friends! via