Here are 5 things that your cats love more than anything

Cats are a special kind of pets, they are loving and unique, big or small, and you will find that there are lots of common tempers. Cats have lots of common things that they love and common things that they hate. So here we will tell you 5 things that your cat loves more than anything else. 1-Sleeping Sleeping is a cat's best friend, most cats sleep about 16 hours a day. The fact is that cats love to sleep a lot. Little kittens can sleep more than that. Researches proved that the hormones of growing are released while sleeping, they sleep about 2/3 of the day, and so if a cat’s age is 9, it is only awake for three years of her entire life. 366931529_247a085ce5_z-2Source: Faruk Ateş via Flickr 2-Playing with random objects Cats are very curious, they love to understand everything and explore it, especially the tiniest things, and cats love to play with anything that comes in their way. 452662516_3484ddb9df_zSource: Chad Fust via Flickr 3- Pestering You at the Worst Times Cats adore that, like how many times you were working on your laptop or typing an important email to find your cat coming, having a walk on your keyboard or maybe taking a nap on it? That's when cats need you to care, or want you to pay attention. This way, cats can be way worse than kids. 3496677296_bc1b7a3126_zSource: wabisabi2015 via Flickr 4-Hiding You will feel like its normal because it's the cat's instinct after all, but cats hide in places that you won't ever think about, cats loves to hide in the oddest places. You can keep searching for your cat the whole day to surprisingly find her in your closet. 3665063516_9ccd78c236_zSource: schmilblick via Flickr 5-Grooming Cats always love to groom, not only themselves, they love to groom other cats living with them, surprisingly cats spent about 6 hours per day licking and grooming themselves. Cats love to look neat and as clean as possible at all times. 6028582390_d8baa4c900_zSource: hehaden via Flickr