Her Human Comes Home After 2 Months of Being Away. Watch What She Does!

23-03-2016 06-19-15 م Jason had been away for 2 months due to work commitments.  He expected his loving dog, Sarah to be so excited about seeing him again, but he didn't expect her to act the way she did! She showed her excitement once she saw him entering the house.. Dogs are known for being extremely loyal and loving. They may be the only creatures that will love and cherish their friends unconditionally. This story will remind you of a similar story when a soldier and his army dog met after being separated for 3 years. 23-03-2016 06-17-54 م It’s not debatable that dogs are one of the most intelligent animals in the animal kingdom, which is why they are often used in the army or police force. With their sharp senses of taste and smell, and their high-functioning brains that allow them to facilitate those senses, dogs are often used as police and military dogs, known as k9. How would you feel if your dog was stolen. I've just imagined that awful experience and it really aggravated me. I feel sorry for everyone that lives this painful experience. Nobody would handle such pain and loss. 23-03-2016 06-18-50 م But the bright side of that experience is the moment when you, in the last part, meet your dog again. Although all the pain, sadness and loss, you will feel completely grateful to be reunited with them. You wouldn't mind all the hell you have been through for the sake of seeing them safe. This video is one of my favorite and top videos of reunions. This reunion is very emotional and touching, this is how dogs always react in the same situation, it’s all about faithfulness, love, and loyalty. Share this story with your family and friends!