Her Cat Leaped Into The Train Tracks To Hide, What The Policemen Did Was INCREDIBLE!

It was an incredible moment; it was a very touching yet heart stopping moment in the same time. In New York City Subway Station this week, the police came to the rescue of a frightened cat; she was in real danger behind the train tracks. Screen-Shot-2015-07-24-at-1.34.00-PM George the black cat was with her owner Mila Rusafova on their way to the vet, when the cat heard some noise he felt scared, so he jumped into the train tracks to hide! The cat thought that it’s the safest place to hide, but actually, it was the most dangerous one. George the black cat was frozen in his place, like he discovered that he made something stupid, he was not able to move or leave his spot. But Mila was very scared, she was scared that he may run away and leave his place; the price would be his own life. The cat was terrified, his tail was so close to the rail, Mila's heart was about to stop, she was so scared about her beloved cat. canal+street+cat+rescue Mila and other people there tried their best to signal for the driver of the incoming train to stop, the MTA shut off the train power which caused lots of subway delays. Two courageous police men jumped from the train into the tracks and stepped slowly to not scare the black cat so he won't run away, things would turn to be more complicated then. They came closer gradually and then they caught the cat and handed him to his owner. People were amazed; they were all thanking the police men for what they did to save the black cat. It was a precious incredible moment. kitten25n-1-webkitten25n-1-web Screen-Shot-2015-07-24-at-1.34.00-PM canal+street+cat+rescue Watch the rescue, and share this incredible moment with all of your family and friends. If you are taking your cat in a box, make sure your cat is safe in her own box.