When he held up the green bean, his hilarious cat just did this!

greenbeancat Cats are having a strong hunting and catching instinct, and this cat is using her instinct in a very special way that will surprise you. This cat is playing fetch with her owner, but this cat doesn't catch a ball, it's all about a green bean. This owner is throwing to his cat a green bean, and each time he did that, the cat caught it perfectly and brought it back to her owner while she is wagging her tail. After that, the cat ran immediately to the chair waiting for the next shot. It's hilarious, I can't stop laughing. 3-2-2015 12-58-37 AM Training your pet to play fetch is very easy, but it’s very important to be really patient about it. It will be better to start it from young age of the pet. Start it with holding a small ball, and let your pet hold it between his mouths and train him on the drop command, train your pet to drop it, repeat it many times and add to them the order of catching things. Prepare lots of treats so your pet gets motivated. After your pet learns to fetch, you have to take it as a part of daily exercising for the pet. 3-2-2015 12-59-02 AM It’s something funny yet weird to see a cat playing fetch, but it is still a cat after all. And as we know, cats are very friendly and cute, and they are the funniest pets. So you are very lucky to own a cute cat like this one. But you must know that there are many facts hidden in their life that you will be very amazed by. They can hear very strongly, they hear 8 times stronger than us, they can hear the ultra-sonic sounds which dolphins make to communicate, they also hear stronger than dogs do.