Heartbreaking Pictures Showing Mother Kangaroo Reaching For Joey For The Last Time!
A mother Kangaroo has been captured trying to reach her little baby, Joey, for the last time before she died! This was a really tragic moment. The mother was dying under the shade of a mango tree and was supported by a male companion while she was trying to reach for Joey.
Evan Switzer, the photographer, noticed the heart breaking moment while he was walking on bushland property in River Heads, Queensland, Australia on Monday morning.
Switzer told the Daily Mail:"I saw the male pick up the female, he looked like he was just trying to get her up and see what was wrong with her, he would lift her up and she wouldn't stand she'd just fall to the ground, he'd nudge her, stand besides her ... it was a pretty special thing, he was just mourning the loss of his mate."It was a special, heart-wrenching moment!The mother kangaroo's male companion lifted up her head so she can see her Joey for the last time. Joey stared at his mother and it felt like he was telling her "Mum, please, don't die!" then he touched her gently and said a goodbye before standing by her body!
Her male companion was a real lover and protector, he stood by her corpse to guard her!
Switzer said this describing Joey's sympathetic situation:
“The young one looked kind of confused, it would stand by the mother and then hop off and chew some grass, and then come right back again.”
It's not clear how the mother kangaroo was died, because she has no visible injuries! There is an assumption by Dr. Derek Spileman, a senior lecturer in venturing pathology says that she was killed while trying to mate.
It is not known yet what was the reason, but one thing that is known for sure; every animal lover will not ever forget these pictures. These pictures have so many emotions!
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