He Tracked A Rare Bird And Killed It For Research

2D432ECC00000578-0-image-a-2_1444457385094 Some inhuman people find that killing animals is the easiest thing, they do it for their own interests, and this is the same thing that this American research team had done when they tracked a rare type of bird, and killed it to do researches on it. It all started when this research team tracked that rare bird and they even took the first picture of it, but shockingly they killed it after a month of tracking it, and the reason behind the kill is making some studies. The bird is calledthe moustached kingfisher and is only found in the Solomon Islands. 2D432EC200000578-0-image-a-3_1444457388464 One of the American research team members is Chris Filardi, the director of Pacific Programs at The Museum of Natural History, and shockingly he is defending the kill, as he said that this bird is rare, and they have to do some studies on it. He said that this bird was not known to most of people, and the photo that he snapped with his team was the first one to be taken.He said also that this photo was captured before the birdwas killed. People are now divided between two choices, is it ok to kill an animal to do some researches? Or should we keep its right of life? Lots of scientists and ecologists believe that the killing of the bird was unnecessary, but on the other hand, Dr. Filardi replied that it's very necessary as it will provide lots of knowledge about a rare bird species, which may help in saving that species in the next years. He also added that it's not a hunting for a "trophy" like the hunts that we hear about, it's for a study. 2D432EC700000578-0-image-a-4_1444457392444 What do you think about what these scientistshave done? Ask your friends too about what they think by sharing this with them.