He Met a Lost Goose on the Road...What Happened Next is Unbelievable
The animal kingdom is undoubtedly the most wonderful and surprising thing. It is great to have a chance to learn more and more about the wonders of it, it is a place for many stories that just make our mouths drop because of how amazing and unusual they are. But no matter how weird and unusual the stories are, we always can’t help but find them to be heartwarming and inspiring.
If you know all that then you should also know that the animal kingdom is full of surprises. You never know when you’re about to encounter something amazing!
And when this man was driving one day, he didn’t expect what was coming at him.
This amazing video was shot by Andre Bachman, a forester, who was driving one day down a country road near Edson, Alberta in Canada, when he encountered a very unusual goose!The goose suddenly came at the truck as Bachman was driving, and it flew over his head, then turned around and started following him. Seeing that the goose for some reason has warmed upp to him, Bachman decided to take a break from his route and lead the goose to a nearby lake.
Bachman started driving to Shining Bank Lake, which was about 10 km away.
This is the most amazing part! As he started to drive away with his truck, the goose didn’t even think before flapping its wings and following the truck!
For the whole 10 km distance, the goose flew next to Bachman as he drove to the lake. It’s such an amazing thing to see, it’s as if the goose understood that Bachman would lead it back home, and it felt safe.
Isn’t it fascinating? I’m so glad he took the time to lead this goose to the lake. Watch the video below and share this incredible story with your family and friends!