He Hears Tiny Baby Squeaks Coming From A Bush. What He Pulls Out Moments Later? Amazing!

c We've always heard about the animals that get abandoned, all alone in the streets. Inhumane people whenever they get bored, or they just can't afford the animal's needs anymore, they throw them out, with no one to care for them.   These animals either are lucky and get rescued, get the life they truly deserve or they stay in the streets, with no food and no water, only with cruel people throwing them with rocks, or maybe some humane people that give them food and water. It's so not fair for any kind of animal to live this life, and hopefully, some day they will get the life they deserve. 7-22-2015 3-55-46 AM Today's story is about rescuing a kitten that was found in the bushes. The video starts with the man searching in the bushy grass, trying to find the source of the squeaks, and when he properly searched, he found a kitten meowing, squeaking. The cat looks like one month old, and her meows were so distressed, as if she had been stuck here for a couple of hours. 7-22-2015 3-56-03 AM The kitten was in the size of the man's palm, and she probably felt so happy to have been rescued. The cat must have been in need of a lot of help, not only because she was stuck, but because she is living in the streets. It must be tough for a kitten in her age, so thankfully this little girl is finally rescued. Hopefully, she will get the life that she deserves, with her sister and the people who will care for her.   It's really great to see people doing their best to help the abandoned pets. Share the video with your family and friends as an awareness people to know that we're not alone in this world, and these animals need our help and care.