He Heard Teenagers Saying That This Old Man's House Is "crappy", What He Did Next Is The Most Amazing Thing Ever!

11745764_10205717540570302_4632733937018878501_n_9a44e98362fc056083257e0922251b4e.today-inline-large This story is amazing; it's showing the kindness of a man's heart. This is a story of a man named Josh Cyganik, he is aUnion Pacific Railroad track inspector who is working in front of an old man's house named Leonard Bullock, this man is about 75 years old, he spent most of his time sitting on his porch, but Josh has been waving every day to him when he sees him in the morning. house-makeover-paint-josh-cyganik-8 Days passed peacefully, till Josh Cyganiklistened one day to two teenagers who were talking about Bullock's home, they said that the house is looking "crappy" and one of the teenagers added that this house needed to be burned down. What bothered Josh is that he saw the old man listening to what the teens said! And he felt that these words broke the old man's heart. The look on his face had lots of meanings; Cyganik couldn't forget his face after hearing those words, and he thought, "Why not help the man?"At first, Cyganik thought about talking to the boys or force them to apologize, but he thought that anger won't solve the problem, yelling won't make a change! These types of words are unforgettable; he knew that the man would never forget what those boys said. 11224631_10205717540410298_4567059629599372245_n_d8a16b4e100776687c6510d6366d9db3.today-inline-large On the next day, Cyganik waved at the man, then he asked him how he would feel if he painted his house, the old man said that he will absolutely love it, and he also appreciated what he said! But he didn't know that Cyganikmeant it, he really do want to paint the house. So Cyganik posted on Facebook to look for people who are ready to help him paint the man's house, he wanted some volunteers in the makeover project, and luckily, one of his friends were working at Tum-a-Lum Lumber Store, so he donated the paint for the project. house-makeover-paint-josh-cyganik-7 Surprisingly, hundreds of volunteers were ready for work, as Cyganik said, he counted till 95 but he stopped then because he figured out that that the volunteers are countless! Some people also couldn't come, so they sent food and water to the house, some people also donated for Bullock and his wife! Isn't it amazing? As for the old man, he was totally surprised; just imagine seeing hundreds of people standing there just to help you! Both the old man and his wife sat in lawn chairs, and watched their house's makeover. 150728_10205717539970287_5034052543700080765_n_9a7c31817272a3b1ae1d46dada6e9a54.today-inline-large Those who couldn't make it but still wanted to help sent water and food to the house, some even made generous donations to Bullock and his wife, who both sat in lawn chairs and watched their house's transformation. Now Cyganik waves to Bullock every day, but he said, the smile has totally changed. He is happier!