George Clooney Adopts The Dog "That No One Wanted"

16-03-2016 01-58-54 م Meet Nate, the dog that LuvFurMutts rescued. He was born with  birth defect that affected his leg. The staff of the shelter were firm to find him the forever home he deserves. Sadly, because of his defects, no one wanted to adopt him. He has many defects since birth such as: a barrel chest and a leg that is swayed. He is walks like a Hyena! “When we took Nate to adoption events, people would stare and kids would point,” LuvFurMutts explained on Facebook.  “Several people applied to adopt him, but then said no when they met him. He was with us 9 months. The lowest point came when an adopter cried when she met him and said she would be depressed the rest of her life if she had to look at him every day.” Thankfully, George Clooney, and his wife Amal were following Nate's story. George Clooney's parents had recently lost their beloved dog and they were grieved. That's why Nick and Nina, Clooney's parents, were just ready to find love and faithfulness in a new friend. George Clooney thought Nate was the perfect choice for them. George Clooney and his wife Amal found that Nate is the perfect gift to his parents and it was the sweetest surprise ever! 16-03-2016 02-00-58 م George Clooney uploaded Nate's video on YouTube. He asked his father, Nick, how he felt about Nate's birth defects and he replied: “I guess it sounds like he gets around just as good as we do anymore!” Thankfully, now Nate will live with a loving family in a forever home as he deserves. He is no more the dog "that no one wanted". He is finally happy! Share this story with your family and friends! via