Funny cats trying to steal pizza, it's totally hilarious.


This is absolutely hilarious; I think that this adorably funny compilation is the best of all. It seems that cats are the same like us; they love pizza just as much as we do and they are big fans of it. In this video, you will see those funny cats that are sneaking out to steal the pizza.

They go towards the plate and try to catch it with their paws, not just that, sometimes they catch it with their mouth, like this funny cat in 0:23 who caught the slice and ran with it, the funniest part is when the owner ran after her to catch the pizza slice.

Pizza is already not good for cats, especially if the pizza dough is made of yeast, because yeast is so dangerous on both cats and dogs, pizza also contains too much fats, also too much cheese is not a good idea for cats, but it's still hard to keep them away, so you can give your cat a little piece. funny-cats-eating-pizza There are so many kinds of food that is not good for your cat. Milk and dairy products can be not good for cats including cheese, much of them cause digestive problems and diarrhea. Anything that contains caffeine, like coffee and tea; also chocolates are dangerous, also sugars and anything contains xylitol which causes increasing in the insulin, cats don’t have a pancreases which means they can’t burn sugar, they only burn it while moving or playing, so it’s better to prevent anything with sugar in it, or any kind of candy. Raw eggs are also dangerous; the bacteria in it might cause poison, and some enzymes that may cause skin problems. Livers are not good for cats at all, small amounts are ok, but much of it can cause vitamin A toxicity and it will affect the cat’s bones. funny-cats-eating-pizza Dog food is not allowed at all, also bones. Don’t allow your cat to eat chocolates or anything with cocoa powder in it.