Everyone ignored this cat, but this man decided to help it with this selfless act

4-2-2015 4-29-29 PM Every day we hear heartbreaking stories about stray animals. However, it’s always so heartwarming to hear about the rescue stories of those abandoned animals. It truly restores my faith in humanity when I hear how some people dedicate so much time, efforts, and resources in order to help those poor souls living on the streets. And so we present you with today’s dose of faith. This story was posted by a man who decided to dedicate his time and effort to help a dying kitten have some peaceful last hours. One day when the man was walking home in a dirt road. It full of garbage and it was not clean at all. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a cat crying loudly with meows that were full of pain. As he looked around, he noticed how everyone was walking past the cat, ignoring its cries for help. That was when he decided to help it. He just couldn’t stand by. He picked up the cat, and noticed how bruised and dirty it was. It cried with pain every time it moved..it was in a horrible condition. He took the cat and washed it with warm water and cleaned its gaping wounds. He even sacrificed his only nice towel in order to dry it up. Finally, he set it down with some milk and a warm blanket. He was glad he did something. He didn’t care about the puzzled looks people gave him. Then, two days later, the cat died of its injuries. But he was not sad. He was glad that because of him, the cat died in peace, and he was glad he gave it two days of love and care. It’s truly an inspiring story of how we should never give up on animals, and how even an hour of warmth and care can matter to them, even if they are dying. 00000 Share this inspiring story with your family and friends.