Elephant Calf Wants Mom, But Unusual Friend Appears Instead!

This elephant calf was laying helpless in a small mine with no chance of surviving after he had stuck in the watery tiny place. His concerned parents were trying their best to get him out, but their attempts all went in vein. Luckily for the poor baby who was begging to be out, a group of miners showed up. That is when his mom and dad ran away from fear. It took the rescuers a lot of hard pulling work until the baby elephant was finally out! He was badly suffering and horribly dehydrated. He needed medical help urgently, therefore he had to be delivered to an animal rescue center, where he became a living moving source of so much fun and joy! Scroll down to see the unbelievable photos! Petsfans 0054 - 1 While Amanzi, as they named him in the rescue center, was in a good recovery path, he was introduced to a foster elephant family. But unluckily for him, he had not been welcomed by the new herd. The animal rescue team did not give up on healing the adorable baby elephant and set up a plan to find his family. In the same time, Amanzi succeeded to make an unexpected friend! Out of all the animals in the rescue center, Amanzi had the chance to get closer to Lammie who shown him love and respect, and they became best buddies eventually! Petsfans 0054 - 2 Unpredictably, Lammie the sheep seems to be aware of taking care of Amanzi until he becomes healthy and capable of joining a new herd of his species in the wild! Petsfans 0054 - 3   While it is undoubted that Amanzi misses the feeling of being with elephant friends, Lammie would be there for him every day, as long as he could bear Amanzi leaning on him! Please SHARE this adorable video if you think animals know the true meaning of friendship!   Via Daily Mail