Dyed-Purple Kitty Gets A New Friend.. That's So Adorable!

imagef Remember the little kitty named Smurf who was rescued the last month after he was dyed purple and thrown in a dog ring as a bait! Poor little kitten whose coat was dyed purple and thrown to dogs as bait. He was tortured, beaten, burned and abused. Smurf’s little body was covered in bite marks, burns and other severe injuries. The terrified little kitten, only two months old, was brought to San Jose animal shelter in California this week. Poor Smurf was used as live bait in dog fights organized to amuse cruel spectators. The little buddy has survived and his strong spirit made him found a new friend who has selected him. The new friends are sharing more than a journey to recovery, they shared a similar destiny. Smurf was rescued by Nine Lives Foundation which has, recently, rescued another kitty with serious injuries. 09-01-2016 01-39-24 م The both of the kitties have found light through this darkness and pain in the companion of each other. "She was placed in the same cage as SMURF on her very first day and has become bonded with him," the Nine Lives Foundation wrote a post on their Facebook page. They are now inseparable! Over the last few days, the new friends have shown signs of improvement in their journey to recovery. It seems like the new friends have found what they needed the most in one another, they don't only need the medical care, they need love and support and they have found them in their relationship. There is no further information about when Smurf and Wanda will be well enough and put to be adopted. But for sure Nine Lives Foundation is taking care of both of them. Share this update with your family and friends!