Dog's Owners Left Him In The Backyard To Starve, Then A Woman Changed Everything

18-01-2016 03-29-13 م Unfortunately, this is a story about animal cruelty. A dog named Smokey never imagined that he would live this cruel life. Sadly, he was left outside in the backyard by his owners to starve to death! No one knows what would happen to him if not a stranger who passed by and saw him did not stop and leave everything to rescue him. Dog_Left_in_Backyard_to_Die_Rescued_Just_In_Time Darlene is an animal lover, she is not an animal rescue but nothing has stopped her to save the poor dog. The whole story happened when she was visiting the nail technician, who she liked so much, where a woman told her about her son's dog that he did not want anymore. The son refused to provide neither food nor water to the poor dog, he was intentionally starving the dog to death! Dog_Left_in_Backyard_to_Die_Rescued_Just_In_Time (1) Darlene thought that the technician was feeding the dog, when, Smokey was slowly starving to death. The manicurist at last admitted that she wanted to "put the dog down" but did not want to pay the $200 fee to do that. Darlene asked to see a photo of the unwanted Smokey and when she saw his photo, she knew to go straight to the woman's house and take the dog right away! Sadly, the poor dog's owner left him starving to death and did not want to pay money to get the dog euthanized! What he decided to do was just leaving the dog starving! Dog_Left_in_Backyard_to_Die_Rescued_Just_In_Time (2) The happy ending happened when a stranger woman who God sent to the poor dog just in time, has made her mind to not give up on the poor dog and she managed to save his life. leave us a comment on our Facebook page telling us if this ever happened to you or not? If yes tell us what did you do? Don't forget to share with your family and friends!