Dog Who's Used To Be Strong Cries In His Kennel At Shelter For 10 Months!

There are few things that can weigh heavily on the soul like a "glimmer of hope". This is exactly what happened to a shelter pup who could not stop crying when returned to the shelter a few days later after he was adopted. Thankfully, he had a group of amazing humans ready to do whatever it would take to make him happy again!   Scroll down to find out what the kindhearted staff of the shelter did to help Juice!   Juice, the Bullmastiff mix pooch, had stayed for a long time at Montgomery County Animal Services and Adoption Center. When the shelter shared a heartbreaking post on their Facbook page with a video of the lonely dog and a plea to help him find a loving forever home, he eventually had this awaited chance, after more than 10 months at the facility.   “This is a really hard post for us, because it is about a great dog who is not doing so well. This is a story about Juice: a cuddly, loving, giant-headed goofball who has been at the shelter for almost 10 months. And Juice really, really needs your help. Really, ” the shelter wrote in their plea.   According to the staff of the shelter, Juice was an example of the dogs who could manage the stress of being a shelter resident without feeling depressed. However, this began to change during the last month prior to the center's call for helping him. When it seemed that Juice began to lose his confidence, he was adopted. The shelter's staff jumped for joy for the adorable pup, but, unfortunately, it was not the right match, and Juice was back in his kennel after a couple of days, more stressed than ever.   The post continues telling the tragic story of Juice, “Staff started to notice him crying, panting, and pacing more often. One of our staff took him home for a “sleepover” this week to give him a break from the shelter and try to help him relax. But when she brought him back in the morning and put him back in the kennel, he started crying. And did not stop. All day. ”     Any animal lover would definitely agree that dogs are not meant to live in shelters for their entire life. It was really sad for the shelter's staff to see Juice losing himself. He was obviously in a bad need for a home, where he can live with a loving family help him regain the confidence he has lost.     “He needs a family who will give him time and patience - we know that he will repay that kindness with incredible loyalty and endless snuggles, ” the shelter wrote in the post.   Shortly after posting the story of Juice, the shelter's plea to help him touched hearts of hundreds of folks from all over the country (and the world). The shelter received hundreds of messages, emails, and calls from people who offered to give Juice the loving forever home he deserved.   Sooner after this post was published, the shelter posted this update: “We are happy to tell everyone that he has several great applications, and we hope he will be going home very soon. ”     While Juice was having no idea, there was a true reason for him to hope again. Thankfully, the shelter updated their touching post recently with good news; Juice's dream has come true and now lives with a loving forever family.   Scroll down to watch Juice picked up to go to his new forever home!   If you think that every and each dog deserves living with a loving family, please SHARE this incredible story with all your friends and family on Facebook!     Via reshareworthy