Dog Who Hasn't Heard Mom's Voice For So Long Has The Sweetest Reaction As She Begins To Sing!

When you see this video yourself, you will probably think this puppy is as cute as I just thought. Tia the pup was put on the relax mode by her human mom who was serenading her puppy with a very sweet song. In a very cute and adorable way, Tia started to snooze in the second her human mom began to sing for her! Petsfans 0144 - 2 According to Tia's human mother, the story is even better. When she and her friend got Tia as an adorable puppy five years ago, she was afraid of dogs! Nevertheless, she just could not resist the adorable and cute nature of the Stafford Bull Terrier Cross Breed, and before so long, the fear of the mom had gone. Sooner at that time, Tia was cuddling her mom in bed freely, and enjoying her mom's sweet lullaby singing. Although the mom had not lulled Tia to sleep in awhile, she thought it would be nice to see if her pup would remember the song! Petsfans 0144 - 1 As it is very obvious in the video, Tia showed that she never forgot her mom's lovely singing voice, and in a confirming proof of that, she just went from the status of wide awake to the deep sleep phase in few seconds! She is the cutest pup ever, isn't she? Petsfans 0144 - 3   If you really loved the video of Tia and her mom just as I did, please Share it with all your friends and family! Via Barkpost